

Humans by nature are innately insatiable in our desire. Our list of wants are never-ending and only continues to grow over time. Even after achieving something or finally getting what we wanted, it only reminds us of something else that we lack. In our continuous pursuit of the next big thing, we often compare ourselves with others, only to despair upon the realisation that our efforts are still inferior against the achievements and successes of others. Is it possible for us to learn to be satisfied? Wouldn’t we all be better off if we could aim to strive for more yet still be completely content with what we have?

It’s in our nature to desire,
we want to have it all,
and to our wants, we bow as slaves,
we’re gladly in its thrall.

We want the things we cannot have,
and envy fills our eyes,
and to ourselves, we often think,
that should have been our prize.

We cannot help the fact we crave,
nor quell the discontent,
and this, the yearning in our hearts,
will simply not relent.

It tears and rips us from within,
it will not be denied,
and like a hunger or a thirst,
the pangs will not subside.

The feel of jealousy pervades,
and deep resentment swells,
we shouldn’t be the one without,
our reasoning compels.

What makes those people worthier,
to have the things we lack?
They make it seem so effortless,
to have their lives on track.

So hence we can’t be satisfied,
we simply cannot rest,
until the object of desire,
into our hands, we wrest.

But it’s this expectation that,
unwittingly we build,
which causes us to always be,
forever unfulfilled.

Although ambition helps us thrive,
we need to draw a line,
we ought to use it as a tool,
but don’t let it define.

For in the end, with all we’ve gained,
the trophies we could earn,
contentment is the lesson that,
we really need to learn.

The Contemplative Poet is an award-winning poet who has travelled and worked across three continents. He has a passion for wordplay and is currently a legal professional in Hong Kong.