Magic Quadrant!
You will find the Gartner Magic Quadrants very useful in comparing the major players in the Technology space. If you are not familiar with the Magic Quadrant methodology, here is a brief summary:
Market players are Evaluated by 2 Major Criteria:
(1) Completeness of Vision, and
(2) The Ability to Execute
The Higher – the Better
Quadrant is a 2×2 matrix, thus there are 4 classes:
(1) Niche Players – Lower on both Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute
(2) Challengers – Higher Ability to Execute, Lower Completeness of Vision
(3) Visionaries – Lower Ability to Execute, Higher Completeness of Vision
(4) Leaders – Higher on both Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute
Thus, the Magic Quadrant is an X-Y graph where various IT vendors in a market are plotted relative to one another. Investors use this tool to determine what kind of technologies to invest in, or which companies to partner with for possible ventures. Business development uses this information to identify corporate prospects, etc, and of course you may use this information to target which company to work for.
Examples of this Useful Tool:
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service:
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platform:
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Backup Software and Integrated Appliances:
Original Source: Gartner is a leading research company that publishes the Gartner Magic Quadrants.