【父親節快樂】原來馬雲、馬化騰、李彥宏、柳傳志、任正非的父親是這麼教孩子的! 【Meaningful】

Apple Stores are rumored to introduce beautiful Accessories Displays, while at the same time, allegedly streamline the number of 3rd party products on its shelf, like that to the store recently opened in Upper East Side (located on 940 Madison Avenue, NY), according to a report by Macotakara.
“Uniform White Packaging for 3rd-Party Accessories can be seen at the new Upper East Side Store as pictured below.” – Macotakara
The report also noted that accessories such as iPhone Cases were placed on Wood cabinets. It is not known for certain whether future Apple Stores’s theme would also be wood or if it is just exclusive to the Upper East Side Store in New York City.
In any case, everyone looks forward to newly redesigned stores by Apple’s Chief Design Officer Jony Ive and Apple’s SVP of Retail Angela Ahrendts!
Original Source: Apple Insider and 9to5mac.com.
梁啟智博士 (Professor Leung Kai Chi, CUHK Professor 中大學生事務處社會及公民參與組主任) 製作了以下圖《港鐵沿線屋苑住戶月入中位數》, 比較港鐵87個站沿綫屋苑住戶的月入中位數,了解香港貧富懸殊的情況,發現隔一條街收入可以相差幾倍。
最高:寶翠園 $93,580
最低:明華大廈 $14,040
最高:擎天半島 $88,580
最低:石硤尾邨 $10,000
最高:駿景園 $83,600
最低:沙角邨、碩門邨、福來邨 $10,000
排名 車站 屋苑 月入中位數(元)
1 香港大學 寳翠園 $93,580
2 九龍 擎天半島 $88,580
3 馬場 駿景園 $83,600
4 紅磡 半島豪庭 $70,000
5 恆安 聽濤雅苑 $65,780
排名 車站 屋苑 月入中位數(元)
1 石硤尾 石硤尾邨 $10,000
1 沙田圍 沙角邨 $10,000
1 荃灣 福來邨 $10,000
1 石門 碩門邨 $10,000
5 彩虹 彩虹邨 $10,540
來源:梁啟智 Facebook
Original Source: 我係香港人 I am a Hongkonger
At less than 1 mm thick, the display hangs on the wall via magnets.
LG Display showcased one of the most impressive applications of OLED technology: a 55-inch, 0.097 mm-thick TV panel that can mount magnetically on a wall — and peel right off again, just like wallpaper.
The paper-thin prototype is the perfect encapsulation of what makes OLED (organic light-emitting diode) such an exciting technology. Since each pixel produces its own light, OLED TVs can function without the bulky backlight elements that traditional LCD and LED TVs require to produce a picture.
It’s just a concept, though — there’s no indication when or if a product like this will actually come to market. The purpose of the announcement was really to announce LG’s plans to focus on making OLED screens for products moving forward.
The TV screen itself is less than a millimeter thick, according to CNET. For context, that’s about the same thickness as a paper clip.
The TV itself almost looks like paper.
This article originally appeared in: Business Insider and Reviewed.com
Apple Stores in the United States, United Kingdom and possibly other launch countries began selling Apple Watch bands as cited by MacRumors. The photo below shared by Twitter user Apple Radar shows an Apple Store in Miami selling the Sport Band in multiple colors.
Apple is selling individual Sport Bands for USD$49, while the Classic Buckle, Milanese Loop and Leather Loop retail for USD$149 each. The Modern Buckle is more expensive at USD$249 and the Link Bracelet is the most expensive Apple Watch strap available at USD$449. Apple Watch bands can also be ordered online through the Apple Online Store.
This article originally appeared in MacRumors and Cult of Mac.
LISTEN NOW to【普通的人】 詩歌:
WASHINGTON 17 MAY 2015. Apple CEO Tim Cook gave commencement speech to 2015 graduating class of George Washington University: “Someone has to Change the World — it might as well be You.”
The Sidelines are NOT where You want to Live your Life. The World needs you in the Arena.”
Cook started his speech with humor: “Please silence your cellphones before getting into the speech. For those of you with an iPhone, just place it in silent mode,” he said “If you don’t have an iPhone, please pass it to the center aisle. Apple has a world-class recycling program.”
Graduates, Your Values Matter. They are your North Star. This is the one thing I’d like to bring to you all the way from Cupertino, California: the idea that great progress is possible, whatever line of work you choose.”
Tim Cook challenged graduates to make a difference:
“There are problems that need to be solved, injustices that need to be ended, people that are still being persecuted, diseases still in need of cure,” said Cook, “No matter what you do next, the world needs your energy, your passion, your impatience with progress. History rarely yields to one person, but think and never forget what happens when it does. That can be you. That should be you. That must be you.”
He recalled his first meetings with the Steve Jobs in 1997, and how they changed his life.
“In 1997 and 1998, Apple had been adrift for years, but Steve thought it could be great again,” Cook said. “His vision for Apple was a company that turned powerful technology into tools that would help change the world for the better.”
“The process of discovering yourself, of inventing yourself or reinventing yourself, is about to begin in earnest,” he said. “Work takes on new meaning when you feel you’re pointed in the right direction—otherwise, it’s just a job. And life is too short for that. We need the best and brightest of your generation to lead. You don’t have to choose between doing good and doing well. Find your North Star, let it guide you in life and work and in your life’s work.”
Cook ended his address by taking a Photo of the graduating class with his iPhone.
Tech Genius Samy Kamkar demonstrates a way to crack open a Master Lock with a robot.
WATCH NOW or Skip to 11:10 to see how this is done in seconds:
Original Source: TechCrunch
Turns out it can be submerged for 15 minutes and still work.
NOW WATCH: Apple Watch Waterproof Test
最基本款的Apple Watch要價38mm - USD$349 至 42mm - USD$399,而黃金的版本就直接跳到了USD$10,000!
但如果你就一定要黃金的Apple Watch的話,不用怕,只要幾百塊就搞定了!
Watch Video:
Original Source 原文刊於《 gizmodo.com and teepr.com 》
Kosinski: Computers Are Better Judges of Your Personality Than Friends!
Artificial intelligence can draw inferences about a person as accurately as a Spouse, according to one Stanford postdoctoral fellow.
Computers can judge personality traits far more precisely than ever believed, according to newly published research.
In fact, they might do so better than one’s friends and colleagues. The study, published Jan. 12 and conducted jointly by researchers at Stanford University and the University of Cambridge, compares the ability of computers and people to make accurate judgments about our personalities. People’s judgments were based on their familiarity with the judged individual, while the computer used digital signals – Facebook “likes.”
The researchers were Michal Kosinski, co-lead author and a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford’s Department of Computer Science; Wu Youyou, co-lead author and a doctoral student at the University of Cambridge; and David Stillwell, a researcher at the University of Cambridge.
According to Kosinski, the findings reveal that by mining a person’s Facebook “likes,” a computer was able to predict a person’s personality more accurately than most of their friends and family. Only a person’s spouse came close to matching the computer’s results.
The computer predictions were based on which articles, videos, artists and other items the person had liked on Facebook. The idea was to see how closely a computer prediction could match the subject’s own scores on the five most basic personality dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.
The researchers noted, “This is an emphatic demonstration of the ability of a person’s psychological traits to be discovered by an analysis of data, not requiring any person-to-person interaction. It shows that machines can get to know us better than we’d previously thought, a crucial step in interactions between people and computers.”
Kosinski, a computational social scientist who will join the Stanford Graduate School of Business as an assistant professor this July, pointed out that “the findings also suggest that in the future, computers could be able to infer our psychological traits and react accordingly, leading to the emergence of emotionally intelligent and socially skilled machines.”
“In this context,” he added, “the human-computer interactions depicted in science fiction films such as Her seem not to be beyond our reach.”
He said the research advances previous work from the University of Cambridge in 2013 that showed that a variety of psychological and demographic characteristics could be “predicted with startling accuracy” through Facebook likes.
The Study’s Methodology
In the new study, researchers collected personality self-ratings of 86,220 volunteers using a standard, 100-item long personality questionnaire. Human judges, including Facebook friends and family members, expressed their judgment of a subject’s personality using a 10-item questionnaire. Computer-based personality judgments, based on their Facebook likes, were obtained for the participants.
The results showed that a computer could more accurately predict the subject’s personality than a work colleague by analyzing just 10 likes; more than a friend or a roommate with 70; a family member with 150; and a spouse with 300 likes.
“Given that an average Facebook user has about 227 likes (and this number is growing steadily), artificial intelligence has a potential to know us better than our closest companions do,” wrote Kosinski and his colleagues.
Why are machines better in judging personality than human beings?
Kosinski said that computers have a couple of key advantages over human beings in the area of personality analysis. Above all, they can retain and access large quantities of information, and analyze all this data through algorithms.
This provides the accuracy that the human mind has a hard time achieving due to a human tendency to give too much weight to one or two examples or to lapse into non-rational ways of thinking, the researchers wrote.
Nevertheless, the authors concede that the detection of some personality traits might be best left to human beings, such as “those (traits) without digital footprints and those depending on subtle cognition.”
‘Digital Footprints’
Wu, co-lead author of the study, explains that the plot behind a movie like Her (released in 2013) becomes increasingly realistic. The film involves a man who strikes up a relationship with an advanced computer operating system that promises to be an intuitive entity in its own right.
“The ability to accurately assess psychological traits and states, using digital footprints of behavior, occupies an important milestone on the path toward more social human-computer interactions,” Wu said.
Such data-driven decisions could improve people’s lives, the researchers said. For example, recruiters could better match candidates with jobs based on their personality, and companies could better match products and services with consumers’ personalities.
“The ability to judge personality is an essential component of social living – from day-to-day decisions to long-term plans such as whom to marry, trust, hire or elect as president,” Stillwell said.
Dystopia Concerns
The researchers acknowledge that this type of research may conjure up privacy concerns about online data mining and tracking the activities of users.
“A future with our habits being an open book may seem dystopian to those who worry about privacy,” they wrote.
Kosinski said, “We hope that consumers, technology developers and policymakers will tackle those challenges by supporting privacy-protecting laws and technologies, and giving the users full control over their digital footprints.”
Original Source: Stanford University’s Insights by Mr. Michal Kosinski
Instant Noodles are cheap and quick to make, but look at this experiment conducted by Dr. Branden Kuo, a Harvard gastroenterologist. He asked subjects to swallow a pill-sized camera to see what Processed Foods look like during Digestion.
The results – after 2 hours, the instant noodles stay intact inside the stomach. Whilst Fresh Homemade ramen noodles broke down alot quicker.
Watch this and tell us what you think? Will it alter your eating Habits?
The below Brilliant series of Graphs and Diagrams illustrate interesting Truths about Everyday Life – they were created by Danish writer and Artist duo Michael Wulff and Anders Morgenthaler, (a.k.a. Wumo).
Which Graphs and Diagrams Apply to You? Let us know in the Comments section!
Source: kindofnormal.com
I love Starbucks and I make sure all my drinks have Fresh Whipped Cream added on them. Artist @Sleevebucks‘s wonderful drawings undoubtedly would make your drinks even more appealing!
Starbucks barista and redditor Carpe_Natem recently discover a customer’s coffee cup had a beautiful map drawn on it – based on the film “Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”. More photos of this unknown artist’s coffee cup are available on Imgur.
photos via Carpe_Natem
Almost every girl loves the Romantic Coral Pink colour, this zeal has never really waned as could be seen in Google Trends:
Google Trends on Coral Pink:
I am not really sure why the interests for the Coral Pink colour peaked drastically at 2007 but it is certainly still on the uptrend.
Watch this Video – Apple Watch Hands-On Demo:
Which colour do you think is most fashionable?
Come on! The Coral Pink colour rules!
The below two images are not animated. Don’t believe me? Try staring at just one part of the image and you’ll see they will stop moving.
This is an example of “Peripheral Drift Illusion”:
Our creative expression of LEGO bricks is now no longer limited to plastics! Build With Chrome can be accessed on any browsers enabled with WebGL, including Safari, Firefox, and mobile browsers.
Click Here to start building…
Your smartphone can now be your private Interpreter, thanks to Google Translate App.
Voice Translator
Google officially announced on Wednesday its updated App, which allows both iOS and Android users to carry on a conversation in two different languages.
The company said the update took people “one step closer to turning [their smartphones] into a universal translator and to a world where language is no longer a barrier”.
The only limitation is that the app can currently only handle translations from English to and from French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
Google said it is working to expand to more languages.
Users of the new app simply talk to the built-in Microphone of their phones and get a written translation, in real-time on their screens.
Visual Translator
The Visual Translator is just as commendable, it allows users to instantly translate phrases, into 36 languages, using their phone’s Camera, similar to the way they take a picture.
This works without a Wi-Fi or a data connection.
Life will be alot easier when navigating street signs and deciding what food to order in foreign countries.
The update will begin rolling out to both iOS and Android users from today.