馬化騰馬雲投資版圖及人際網絡 Investment Territory and Network

馬化騰馬雲投資版圖及人際網絡 Investment Territory and Network

過去一年, 阿里巴巴集團主席馬雲及騰訊主席馬化騰, 聯同多名內地富豪大舉來港,買入香港多隻殼股:




圖片來源:  蘋果日報詳情請登入蘋果日報閱讀 《 馬化騰馬雲連環買殼, 殼股股價例升, 帶挈內地新晉富豪身家漲 

Miss QT started her career with Credit Suisse Investment Bank issuing Structured Products to Private Banks, and later joined UBS Private Bank where she spent the bulk of her career. She works at a Technology Hedge Fund that specializes in global technology investments. A graduate of Duke University, she holds two degrees from the School of Engineering, and double majored in Computer Science and Mathematics. She trades the Global Equities Market and conducts proprietary reesearch on Algorithmic Investing (from Quandl with over 10 million datasets to Multicharts) to improve investment decisions. During her free time, Miss QT plays Golf.