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Apple 和 Nike 攜手推出跑步訓練的完美拍檔:Apple Watch Nike+

Apple 和 Nike 攜手推出跑步訓練的完美拍檔:Apple Watch Nike+


Apple Watch Nike+ Apple Watch Series 2 的所有功能,並搭配 Nike 跑步就簡單。

(2016 年 9 月 8 日,香港) —— Apple® 和 Nike昨(美國時間9 月7日)於三藩市推出雙方長期合作的最新成果:Apple Watch® Nike+。作為跑步愛好者的完美拍檔,Apple Watch Nike+ 將專屬 Nike 運動錶帶與 Apple Watch Series 2 的各項強大功能集合一身,配備了內置 GPS、2 倍亮度顯示器、50 米防水性能*、強大的雙核處理器以及 watchOS® 3。Apple Watch Nike+ 還包含專屬的 Siri® 指令和標誌性的 Nike 專屬錶盤,並深度整合了 Nike+ Run Club app:為你隨時帶來跑起來的動力;根據你獨特的時間表和進度,提供相應的指導,還有來自全球頂級教練和運動員的專業建議。無論是剛剛起步的新手,還是馬拉松老將,Apple Watch Nike+ 是所有跑步愛好者們的最佳拍檔。

“Apple Watch 是為健康生活而精心打造的強大設備,我們希望更進一步為全球的跑步愛好者和運動員們帶來最棒的智慧手錶。” Apple 首席運營官 Jeff Williams 說,“Apple Watch Nike+ 在追蹤運動進度領域實現了新的突破,我們迫不及待地將它帶給了全球最大的跑步愛好者社區。”

“我們瞭解跑步愛好者們,他們一直在尋覓一款能讓跑步變得簡單又好玩的設備。” Nike總裁 Trevor Edwards 說,“市場上充斥著各種複雜、難以讀懂、只在乎使用者資料的設備。而 Apple Watch Nike+ 服務於你的生活,它提供了強大的性能和簡潔的解決方案,成為你的跑步好拍檔。”


Apple Watch Nike+ 和所有 Apple Watch Series 2 錶款一樣,配備了內置 GPS 來跟測配速、距離和路線,讓用戶在盡情暢跑時可以不隨身帶著 iPhone®。它的顯示器,是 Apple 有史以來亮度最高的顯示器,因此即使陽光強烈,你也能輕鬆讀取錶盤上的指標資料。Apple Watch Nike+ 防水達到了 50 米*,游泳時也可以佩戴。所以,用戶們跑完步後,可以盡情去泳池放鬆一下。

Nike 運動錶帶採用與初代 Apple Watch 運動型錶帶相同的 Fluoroelastomer 材質,既柔韌又耐用。而錶帶上的氣孔,令透氣性和排汗性能都有了進一步的提升。此系列的專屬錶帶不僅輕盈,更推出了四種充滿動感的雙色組合。Apple Watch Nike+ 的兩款專屬錶面,靈感源自 Nike 的標誌性風格,讓使用者可以輕鬆自訂健身記錄圓環、心率、碼錶和天氣等各種實用 app,一目了然各種資訊。

Nike+ Run Club
Apple Watch Nike+ 可充分發揮了 Apple Watch Series 2 和 Nike+ Run Club app 的獨特功能,它是你戴在手腕上的跑步好拍檔。 Apple Watch Nike+ 緊密整合了 Nike+ Run Club app 的使用體驗,用戶可以從錶面隨時啟動此 app,輕點一下就可以開始鍛煉了。而通過發送智慧跑步提醒、來自朋友的跑步挑戰和在天氣不錯時發送的提醒,Nike+ Run Club app 每天都將為你帶來跑起來的動力。你可一覽無餘自己的配速、距離和心率等訓練資料。這款 app 鼓勵夥伴間的良性競爭,用戶們不但可以共用跑步成績摘要,甚至還可以直接在手腕上給朋友們發送虛擬碰拳。


  • Apple Watch Nike+ 有 38 毫米和 42 毫米兩種尺寸的鋁金屬錶殼可供選擇,所搭配的專屬 Nike 運動錶帶有四種雙色組合可供選擇,包括黑配螢光黃色、黑配冷灰色、啞銀配白色和啞銀配螢光黃色。
  • Apple Watch Nike+ 將在、、Apple Store 零售店、指定 Nike 零售店、指定 Apple 授權經銷商、指定特色商店和百貨商店發售,38 毫米尺寸的價格將為HKD 2,888,42 毫米尺寸的 Apple Watch Nike+ 的價格將為HKD 3,188。
  • Apple Watch Nike+ 將於 9 月 9 日星期五在 上接受預購,並於 10 月底在澳洲、奧地利、比利時、加拿大、中國大陸、哥斯達黎加、丹麥、芬蘭、法國、德國、香港、印度、愛爾蘭、以色列、義大利、日本、盧森堡、墨西哥、荷蘭、紐西蘭、挪威、波蘭、葡萄牙、波多黎各、新加坡、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、台灣、阿聯酋、英國和美國開始發售。
  • Apple Watch Nike+ 將於 9 月 23 日星期五在 上開始預購,並於 10 月底在捷克、希臘、匈牙利、澳門、卡塔爾、俄羅斯和沙地阿拉伯開始發售。
  • Nike 運動錶帶為 Apple Watch Nike+ 錶款專屬錶帶,不單獨發售。
  • Apple Watch Series 2 需要和運行 iOS 10 或更新版本軟體的 iPhone 5 或更新機型配對使用。watchOS 3 和 iOS 10 將於 9 月 13 日星期二起,提供免費更新。某些功能僅適用於部分地區或語言。
  • 每位從 Apple 購買 Apple Watch Nike+ 的顧客均可免費獲得店內或線上私人設置服務**,根據個人需求為新 Apple Watch 設置日曆、通知中心和各種 app 等。
  • 如果想要進一步瞭解 Apple Watch Nike+ 或 watchOS 3,可以報名參加每家 Apple Store® 零售店提供的免費講座。

*Apple Watch Series 2 按照 ISO 22810:2010 標準,防水達到 50 米;按照 GB4208-2008/IEC 60529:2001 標準,防水級別為 IPX8 (在最深為 3 米的水下停留時間最長可達 30 分鐘)。即 Apple Watch Series 2 可用於游泳池或海濱游泳等較淺水域的水上活動。但 Apple Watch Series 2 並不適用於水肺潛水、滑水、面對高速水流的各種涉水活動及深水活動。不銹鋼錶帶和皮革錶帶均不防水。





推出「中秋月賞購」活動 大派福袋 瘋狂劈價 無限驚喜

香港 – 2016 年 9 月 6 日 – 阿里巴巴旗下跨境電子商務平台天貓國際( 宣佈,自 9 月 14 日起將為香港消費者引進一系列全球精選的優質貨品,務求為 港人帶來全新獨特的網購體驗。此外,為了慶賀中秋佳節的來臨,天貓國際將於 9 月 14 至 16 日推出「中秋月賞購」活動,包括於網上及全港多處派發驚喜福袋 及帶來低至一折的瘋狂購物優惠。

為滿足香港消費者環球買好貨的需求,天貓國際平台將為香港消費者帶來海外原 裝進口的特色貨品,包括在香港零售市場較少見的食品、日用美容及家居商品, 如台灣糖村手工法式牛軋糖、泰國 Nittaya 原裝天然乳膠頸椎按摩枕、美國 NEATO 全自動掃地機器人等。商品由海外品牌原裝進口到港,不但可確保貨品 質素,更能以最超值的價格優惠消費者,例如美國 Skechers 黑白熊貓波鞋及韓 國熱賣的 Heynature 3D 震動粉撲等,價格與海外售價看齊,中秋活動期間更有 驚喜大折扣。所有商品均以港幣結算,消費者可以 VISA 或 Master Card 支付。 現有淘寶網的會員均可以相同的登錄名稱及密碼登錄天貓國際平臺,體驗一站式 的網上環球購物旅程。

中秋月賞購 網上網下大派驚喜福袋*
在 9 月 9 日至 14 日期間,天貓國際將在網上及全港多區免費派發總共 3,000 個 中秋福袋,為香港消費者帶來無限驚喜。中秋福袋內含天貓國際售賣的特色產 品,每個福袋價值由二百港元至五千港元不等,令這個中秋到處充滿驚喜!

9 月 9 日至 12 日期間,香港消費者亦可於天貓國際 Facebook 專頁,透過網上遊戲蠃取共 300 個中秋福袋。9 月 10 日至 14 日期間,天貓國際更將於全港不同地方每天派發多達 500 個中秋 福袋,與現場市民進行遊戲互動,每天更有一位幸運兒有機會獲得價值港幣 5000 元的特大驚喜福袋! 2 9 月 14 日當日,十五位本地博客及 youtuber 還會於他們的平台與粉絲玩遊戲大 派天貓國際中秋福袋,教粉絲如何參加劈價活動,詳情不容錯過!

中秋月賞購 瘋狂劈價購心頭好*
驚喜停不了!除了為香港消費者帶來一系列環球好貨外,多款精選海外產品還會 以超抵價格發售。消費者更可以參加有趣的劈價刀遊戲,透過 Facebook/whatsapp/Line 社交媒體邀請到 9 位好友齊來劈價,即可享受海外品 牌低至 9.9 港元購買限量產品。

中秋月賞購 享全場免郵及本地退貨*
現時香港消費者可以透過信用卡付款,手續費全免。天貓國際稍後還將增加支援 其他如八達通、PPS、Tap&Go 等支付方式,讓香港消費者更加輕鬆購物。在中 秋月賞購活動期間,所以貨品可享免郵至全港多個自提點以及免費本地退貨 。

*有關中秋月賞購活動詳情及細則,請瀏覽: 天貓國際 Facebook 專頁


天貓國際(成立於 2014 年 2 月,為阿里巴巴集團旗下 B2C 平台 天貓的業務延伸,目的是協助海外商家進入中國的網上零售市場。天貓國際商家 可以在所屬國家或地區經營業務,而不需在中國境內擁有實體營運。透過天貓國 際跨境平台,國際品牌能接觸到淘寶網和天貓的上億消費者,而中國消費者也得 以接觸到眾多來自海外的品牌產品。


Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac Launches with 20 Smart and Simple Mac and Windows Tools, macOS Sierra Readiness, and Over 25 Percent Performance Improvements

Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac Launches with 20 Smart and Simple Mac and Windows Tools, macOS Sierra Readiness, and Over 25 Percent Performance Improvements

Tools to simplify common tasks to also be available as part of standalone Parallels Toolbox for Mac app

3 - Left Jerry Huang (Vice President & General Manager, Asia Pacific), R...

Hong Kong – September 1, 2016 – Parallels® (, a global leader in cross-platform solutions and creator of the No. 1-selling software for running Windows®applications on a Mac®, today launched Parallels Desktop® 12 for Mac ( Parallels Desktop 12 is macOS Sierra ready, includes up-to 25 percent performance improvements, and features more than 20 simple single-function tools and utilities which are also available as a standalone Parallels Toolbox for Mac app. In addition, all Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac customers will receive a one-year subscription to an industry-leading backup solution from Acronis True Image, which includes a fast incremental backup feature that reduces the time and size of subsequent backups and provides up to 500 GB of free online storage.

New utilities featured in all editions of Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac make it easy to perform common tasks with simple single-function tools for both the Mac and Windows virtual machines (VMs). Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro and Business Edition subscribers, and Parallels Toolbox for Mac subscribers, also receive free updates of additional tools which will be made available every quarter. Initial tools include:

  • Distraction-free presentation modes for both Mac and Windows VMs, including:
    o    Hide Desktop Files
    o    Do Not Disturb
    o    Keep Mac Awake.
  • Archive, encrypt and password protect all of your files.
  • Simply capture screen shots or record video of a screen, window or area.
  • Download videos from YouTube, Facebook and other websites with a single click.
  • Time management tools—an alarm, timer, date countdown and stopwatch.
  • Unpack files from ZIP, RAR and many other formats.

“Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac joins our long history of innovations in ease of use and personalization,” said Jack Zubarev, Parallels president. “In addition to delivering our best Windows-on-Mac performance and experience, Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac simplifies a number of everyday tasks for millions of our customers in all walks of life.”

Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac also adds the ability to purchase Windows 10 and simply install it via the Parallels Desktop Wizard, and a Scheduled Windows Maintenance option so Windows Updates and maintenance can take place overnight or at times when it is not disruptive to a user’s workflow.

PC and Xbox® game players will get increased support in Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac. Parallels engineers worked with Blizzard Entertainment® and optimized Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac to support Overwatch™, a popular 2016 PC and Xbox game that sold more than 15 million copies in just over two months. Parallels Desktop also supports the Windows 10 Xbox app, enabling people to stream and play Xbox games on their Mac devices.

Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac Product Feature Highlights

  • Parallels Toolbox for Mac: 20 tools that simplify everyday tasks on your Mac.
  • Simplified backup: One year of Acronis True Image 500 GB cloud backup storage, which can backup new incremental changes to a VM, instead of having to resave an entire VM and changes, every time changes are made.
  • Support for Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch PC game.
  • Support for Windows 10 Xbox app, for streaming and playing all Xbox games on a Mac
  • Schedule Windows updates for an appropriate time at night to avoid time-consuming disruptions during your day.
  • Control storage space used by VMs directly from the Optimized Storage in macOS Sierra.
  • Store Microsoft Edge™ and Internet Explorer® passwords in Mac Keychain®.
  • Assign special behaviors to Windows apps, such as Always Open Full Screen or Always Hide Other Apps, so they play even better on your Mac.
  • Easily cancel time-consuming VM actions.
  • Open documents from SharePoint® and Office 365® in Microsoft Office for Windows desktop applications directly from your favorite Mac browser.
  • Keep Windows ready in the background, instead of suspending the VM, to instantly open Windows applications and documents.
  • Outlook® for Windows now features your recently accessed documents, both Mac and Windows, so they are conveniently available to select when you add attachments to your emails.
  • Improved Retina® support for resizing Windows VMs.
  • Archive VMs to save space in the Pro Edition.
  • Set resource usage limits for VMs in the Pro Edition.
  • Network Conditioner in the Pro Edition now features preconfigured network profiles (Edge, 100 percent loss, 3G, DSL, Very Bad Network and Wi-Fi) to make testing a breeze, as well as customizable settings. 

Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac performance improvements include: *

  • Up to 90 percent faster Snapshot creation.
  • Up to 60 percent faster suspend of VMs.
  • Up to 25 percent faster Shared Folders performance.
  • Compile Visual Studio® projects on shared folders up to 25 percent faster.
  • Up to 10 percent battery life improvement.**
  • Enjoy improved VM responsiveness when your Mac is low on free memory. 

Availability and Pricing
Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac, Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition and Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition are available today for subscribers and upgraders from Parallels Desktop 10 and 11 (, and general availability is Aug. 23 online at and at local retail and online stores worldwide.

The recommended retail price (RRP) of Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac is HKD $598. Upgrades for existing Parallels Desktop 10 and 11 for Mac perpetual license customers are HKD $388, with an introductory offer to upgrade to a Parallels Desktop Pro Edition subscription for HKD $388 per year for life. Parallels Desktop Pro Edition and Parallels Desktop Business Edition are available to new customers for HKD $744 per year. Parallels Desktop Pro Edition and Business Edition include a complimentary Parallels Access® ( subscription to remotely access up to five Mac or Windows PCs from any device.

Parallels Toolbox for Mac is a feature of all versions of Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac which will also be available as a stand-alone subscription product for HKD $75 per year, including all new tools and updates planned for release every few months. Starting Aug. 23, a 14-day full-featured free trial can be downloaded and subscription purchased from

About Parallels
Parallels is a global leader in cross-platform solutions which make it possible and simple for customers to use and access the applications and files they need on any device or operating system. We help customers take advantage of the best technology out there, whether it’s Windows, Mac, iOS, Android™ or the cloud. Parallels solves complex engineering and user experience problems by making it simple and cost-effective for businesses and individual customers to use applications wherever they may be – local, remote, in the private datacenter or in the cloud. Visit for more information.

Stay connected with Parallels and our online communities: Like us on Facebook at, follow us on Twitter at and visit our blog at


*based on Parallels internal testing
**for certain environments

Brocade Delivers Industry-First Gen 6 Fibre Channel Directors for the All-Flash Data Center

Brocade Delivers Industry-First Gen 6 Fibre Channel Directors for the All-Flash Data Center

(Above: from left to right) Larry Tam, Managing Director Hong Kong and Macau, Brocade, Jack Rondoni, Vice President of Storage Networking, Brocade and Eric Lam, Regional System Engineer Manager, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan at the press event today.

Digital Transformation Driven by Storage Innovation Requires a Modern Storage Network



HONG KONG. July 26, 2016—Brocade (NASDAQ: BRCD) today announced the industry’s first Gen 6 Fibre Channel directors for mission-critical storage connectivity and business resiliency solutions designed for the all-flash data center.  This extends the company’s leadership in offering the industry’s most innovative and widely deployed Fibre Channel storage network solutions, building on the first Gen 6 Fibre Channel switch that Brocade delivered in March 2016.  The new Brocade® X6 director family and the Brocade SX6 extension blade for Fibre Channel, Fibre Connection (FICON) and IP storage replication, combined with Brocade Fabric Vision™ technology, enables customers to drive always-on business operations, eliminate performance bottlenecks and adapt to the requirements of digital organizations.

Image 1Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel Product

As organizations continue to digitize and adapt to new workloads, they need a modern storage network that supports business agility.  Fibre Channel fabrics are the common thread that connects organizations to their most critical applications and data.  Ninety-six percent of banks, insurance companies and retailers rely on Fibre Channel as the most trusted network infrastructure for storage.  Gen 6 Fibre Channel provides the digital enterprise with non-stop availability and incredible performance required for tomorrow’s hyperscale data centers.

“Legacy networks will bottleneck flash storage minimizing the performance and economic benefits of this game-changing technology,” said Jack Rondoni, vice president of storage networking at Brocade. “Brocade’s Gen 6 Fibre Channel solutions unleash the full value of today’s flash technology and enable tomorrow’s next-generation flash storage based on Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe).  NVMe will be the next disruptive storage technology in the data center and customers will be able to seamlessly integrate NVMe over fabrics with Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel.”

Network automation is key to modernizing data centers.  According to a global CIO survey*, 75 percent of respondents stated that the network is impacting their organizations’ ability to achieve business goals. The lack of network automation and integration of the network with other IT operations is the single biggest inhibitor to capitalizing on digitization.

Brocade has led the industry in automating storage networks with the industry’s first implementation of RESTful API support in Brocade Network Advisor.  This complete network-lifecycle solution brings an organization’s information together into one simple, easy-to-use command-and-control application.  It provides a programmable web-based interface through standard REST APIs to automate operational tasks such as zoning, scripting and reporting.  In addition, standard REST APIs enable customers to use Brocade Fabric Vision technology to easily analyze fabric-wide health and performance.  Brocade is also a key supporter of the OpenStack storage community, contributing Fibre Channel zone management to the OpenStack Cinder project.


New Innovations in Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel Enables Data Center Modernization
The Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel portfolio combines innovative hardware, Brocade Fabric Vision technology and ground-breaking integrated monitoring for storage IO and virtual machine (VM) performance. This delivers the industry’s highest level of operational stability while redefining application performance for hyperscale, mission-critical storage.  New innovations in Brocade’s Gen 6 Fibre Channel portfolio include:

  • Brocade X6 Director Family.  The industry-first Gen 6 Fibre Channel director family delivers breakthrough application performance, data center-proven reliability and increased business agility to accelerate data access, adapt to evolving requirements and drive always-on business operations.  The Brocade X6 directors provide up to 384 32 Gbps line rate ports and up to 32 128 Gbps UltraScale™ ICL connectivity ports delivering a total system bandwidth of 16 Tbps. Breakthrough 32 Gbps performance accelerates application response time by up to 71 percent over previous solution eliminating IO bottlenecks and unleashing the full performance of flash and next generation NVMe-based storage.
  • Brocade SX6 Extension Blade.  The Brocade SX6 extension blade for Fibre Channel, FICON and IP storage replication moves more data over distance faster and enhances security without compromising performance.  With up to 80 Gbps application throughput per platform and line-rate encryption, the Brocade SX6 is designed for the most demanding environments.  This purpose-built solution delivers business resiliency at scale with 32 Gbps Fibre Channel and 1/10 GbE IP storage replication over 1/10/40 GbE IP WAN connections to handle the unrelenting growth of data traffic between data centers.
  • Brocade Fabric Vision Technology with IO Insight.  Fabric Vision technology overcomes the traditional limitations of network monitoring by introducing IO Insight, the industry’s only integrated network sensor that provides deeper visibility into the IO performance of storage infrastructure.  This enhanced visibility enables quick identification of degraded application performance at host and storage tiers reducing time to resolution.  IO Insight proactively monitors IO performance and behavior to gain unparalleled insight into potential issues and help maintain service levels.
  • Brocade Fabric Vision Technology with VM Insight.  Fabric Vison technology will include VM Insight for unparalleled end-to-end visibility into the storage performance of individual VMs.  This feature optimizes VM performance and availability in a virtualized data center.  VM Insight uses standards-based VM tagging to enable monitoring of VM-level application performance issues in a Gen 6 Fibre Channel SAN.  Using this information, storage administrators can establish baseline application performance and identify anomalies in order to fine-tune the infrastructure to meet service level objectives.  VM Insight also enables quick correlation with other Fabric Vision metrics to identify the root cause of problems before operations are affected.

Hitachi Data Systems is shipping the Brocade Gen 6 directors, blades and switch today.  “Digital transformation enables businesses to deliver superior customer experiences.  That cannot be accomplished without a modern and agile IT infrastructure that delivers information to customers faster than ever before,” said Bob Madaio, vice president of infrastructure solutions marketing, Hitachi Data Systems.  “The combination of the Hitachi flash portfolio with Brocade’s Gen 6 directors, blades and switch enables businesses to transform operations and serve data to customers radically faster so they get what they want, when they want it.”


Broad Industry Support from Brocade Partners, Flash Vendors and Industry Analysts

  • “These new Gen 6 Fibre Channel directors from Brocade combine extremely high-density, non-blocking 32 Gbps port capacity and 128 Gbps inter-switch connectivity along with I/O performance monitoring capabilities that offer a remarkable degree of visibility into Fibre Channel storage networks.  The emerging, high-performance flash platforms based on NVMe over fabric will need a network environment that can reliably supply massive bandwidth and low latency as well as a new set of management tools designed to ensure consistent and dependable peak application performance.” – Steven Hill, senior research analyst, 451 Research
  • “All-flash-arrays have become pervasive in today’s modern data center and for the first time in a decade, the legacy storage network has become the application performance bottleneck.  Customers who want to extract the intended value and application performance out of their SSD-based storage investment need to upgrade their Fibre Channel network to the new Brocade X6 Director and new servers with Emulex’s Gen 6 Fibre Channel HBAs.” – Jeff Hoogenboom, general manager, Emulex Connectivity Division, Broadcom
  • “Dell’s goal is to enable the Future Ready Enterprise and Brocade’s continued Fibre Channel innovation is key for our joint customers in implementing scalable and always-on infrastructures. Brocade’s 32 Gbps capabilities will allow customers to utilize flash storage today and future next generation technology.” – Tom Burns, vice president and general manager, Dell Networking and Enterprise Infrastructure
  • “Gen 6 (32 Gbps) Fibre Channel is an important upgrade to the market as we see storage transitioning to flash-based products and the need for higher speeds in the data center.  Flash, which is architecturally different from traditional disk arrays from the storage industry, will benefit greatly from Gen 6 Fibre Channel solutions.” – Alan Weckel, vice president of SAN and data center market research, Dell’Oro Group
  • “Gen 6 Fibre Channel couldn’t appear at a better time. Due to continued tremendous data growth, increasing demands are being placed on IT infrastructure. The new Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel Directors not only provide large-scale deployment of the newest speed of Fibre Channel, but they provide data centers with additional insights into their I/O traffic. Our testing with databases such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle database has shown that using Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel switches and Emulex Gen 6 Fibre Channel HBAs resulted in 3.4 times faster performance and lower latency up to 70 percent.” – Dennis Martin, president, Demartek
  • “EMC declared 2016 ‘The Year of All Flash’ for primary storage as businesses around the world reach an inversion point and make flash their de facto choice for their data centers.  EMC is leading the pack with Unity, VMAX All Flash, XtremIO and DSSD delivering spectacular performance.  However, to realize the full performance benefit, the storage networking performance has to keep pace with the arrays.  After all, you wouldn’t expect to hit the top speed of a Ferrari if you’re driving on an unpaved dirt road.  The introduction of Brocade’s 32 Gbps directors extends EMC’s 32 Gbps offering to our enterprise customers, enabling them to lay the network foundations for their flash-fueled futures.” – Peter Smails, vice president, product marketing, Core Technologies Division, EMC Corporation
  • “Updates to Fibre Channel technology is a not too frequent event.  Gen 6 is faster but it’s not just a matter of speeds.  New features and capabilities with these new Brocade Gen 6 directors enable easier management and operations.  Visibility provided by tools such as IO Insight or VM Insight enables better application management which is ultimately what matters to IT organizations. – Dan Conde, analyst, Enterprise Strategy Group
  • “The need for shared storage over high performance storage networks will continue into foreseeable future with customers continuing to need greater bandwidth and lower latency.  Brocade’s announcement of Gen 6 Fibre Channel directors and blade and support for NVMe over Fabric answers those two needs, needs that are made even more real by deployment of all-flash storage.” – Randy Kerns, senior strategist, Evaluator Group
  • “Using our digital business platform, MetaArc, Fujitsu supports customers with the technologies, tools, services and partnerships that help them achieve the agile and robust information and communications technology that best suits their needs to modernize on a global scale. We look forward to our continued partnership with Brocade to deliver storage networking connectivity solutions, such as Gen 6 Fibre Channel, which enable customers to make this digital transformation.” – Kazuhiko Endo, senior vice president, Head of Data Center Platform Business Unit, Fujitsu Limited
  • “In the era of data explosion, the launch of Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel directors means data exchange will be largely accelerated, which is crucial to enhancing the efficiency of enterprises’ data centers.  Brocade and Huawei have been jointly innovating and developing all-flash and active-active storage solutions.  We will continuously strengthen our collaboration on storage network convergence and intelligent operation and maintenance and devote reliable, efficient and intelligent IT solutions to customers.” – Zhao Chunhui, vice president, Huawei Storage Product Line, Huawei
  • “For more than 16 years, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Brocade have delivered unparalleled value to our joint customers, providing them with comprehensive storage networking solutions with unmatched reliability, manageability and scalability.  The launch of the new Gen 6 Fibre Channel solutions demonstrates HPE and Brocade’s continued innovations to deliver customers the most reliable and highest performing data center storage networks.” – Neeraj Gokhale, vice president of storage marketing, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • “Fibre Channel technology continues to play an important role in the data center, providing lossless and secure data transmission maintaining a very loyal user community.  New applications and the next generation of servers—with additional CPU cores and higher speed connectivity, coupled with adoption of SSD storage—is driving the need for higher performance storage networking.  The introduction of Gen 6 Fibre Channel technology is an important and timely event advancing the storage networking market and also preparing for the arrival of NVMe-based flash storage which will demand additional storage network bandwidth.” – Cliff Grossner, Ph.D., senior research director for data center, cloud and SDN, IHS Markit
  • “Today’s data-intensive enterprise requires quick and easy access to large amounts of data at all times and we pride ourselves in offering our customers storage systems with the highest possible performance and functionality at the lowest possible cost.  It is solutions like the Brocade X6 director family and SX6 extension blade that allow us to meet the demands of companies around the world.” – Bob Cancilla, vice president of global alliances, INFINIDAT
  • “There is no doubt that the Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel portfolio will bring huge performance improvement while its new visibility features will reduce administration complexity for customers.  We believe that our Inspur flash storage products together with Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel will meet customers’ complex application requirements for large cloud computing and hyper-scale virtualized storage systems to provide highly reliable, scalable and available solutions.” – Sun Gang, general manager, Storage Division, Inspur
  • Brocade’s new Gen 6 directors are evolutionary and revolutionary at the same time.  They are a fundamental component for building the all-flash data center required by modern enterprises, where next generation protocols, like NVMe, and mission-critical workloads need the most reliable and robust storage networks. – Enrico Signoretti, analyst, Juku
  • “As a leading all-flash storage company, we are defining the future of modern data centers in today’s on-demand world.  Given customers demand predictable storage solutions to grow and manage their business, our collaboration with Brocade will help drive the next generation of flash array technology and storage networking on Gen 6 Fibre Channel solutions.” – Shachar Fienblit, chief technology officer, Kaminario
  • “An all-flash data center is a must for any business that is transforming digitally.  With flash eliminating storage performance as a bottleneck, customers now want network upgrades that rebalance performance across the data center.  Brocade’s Gen 6 Fibre Channel directors deliver performance improvements for NetApp’s fast-growing SAN customer base.” – Maria Olson, vice president, Global and Strategic Alliances, NetApp
  • “Brocade’s data center fabrics and Fibre Channel solutions are the perfect complement to our predictive flash storage offerings.  With the Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel solutions, we will be able to help our customers adapt to the evolving requirements of an always-on business environment.” – Dan Leary, vice president of corporate development, solutions and alliances, Nimble Storage
  • “Pure Storage customers demand the highest levels of consistency, predictability and performance, and Brocade’s Gen 6 Fibre Channel solutions deliver strong in all three of these areas.  Like Pure Storage, Brocade has a history of meeting the mission-critical demands of the data center and together, we are setting a new standard for the modern digital enterprise.” – Matt Kixmoeller, vice president of products, Pure Storage
  • “Next-generation databases and workloads are utilizing low latency NVMe and SSD flash-based storage coupled with the highly deterministic nature of Gen 6 (32 Gbps) Fibre Channel to meet the ever increasing user demand for faster performance and reliability.  The new Gen 6 Fibre Channel switches from Brocade, coupled with QLogic Gen 6 Fibre Channel Adapters with StorFusion technology, which is integrated with Brocade Fabric Vision, deliver the performance, application response time and scalability characteristics required for mission-critical storage networking, making Fibre Channel the dominate interconnect for these environments well into the future.” – Vikram Karvat, vice president of products, marketing and planning, QLogic
  • “One of the biggest challenges in today’s modern enterprise is eliminating data silos that can drastically slow priority workloads and operations. Brocade’s Gen 6 Fibre Channel solutions provide the reliability and scalability our customers need to transform into a modernized data center.” – Rob Commins, vice president of marketing, Tegile
  • “Enabling customers to deploy the most powerful, trusted and flexible storage networks that are capable of meeting the performance demands associated with mission-critical application workloads is exactly why Violin Memory partners with Brocade.  That is what Brocade’s new Gen 6 Fibre Channel directors with Violin Memory’s Flash Storage Platform offers the market.” – Raj  Das, vice president of business development, Violin Memory
  • “As organizations continue to move to higher VM densities for rapid deployment of new applications, they require modern storage networks that can scale linearly and provide the performance to support thousands of users.  VMware solutions with Brocade Gen 6 Fibre Channel enables predictable performance, reliability and scalability with end-to-end visibility to highly virtualized application data flows which allows service level agreements to be met.” – Howard Hall, senior director, Global Technology Partnering Organization, VMware


Brocade X6 directors and Brocade SX6 extension blade are available now through Brocade and its channel partners.  Other Brocade OEM partners will start shipping them in the second half of 2016.  Brocade Network Advisor and IO Insight are available today.  VM Insight will be included as part of Fabric Vision technology in the first half of 2017.

Additional Resources

*Global CIO Study 2015, Vanson Bourne, May 2015

About Brocade
Brocade (NASDAQ: BRCD) networking solutions help the world’s leading organizations turn their networks into platforms for business innovation.  With solutions spanning public and private data centers to the network edge, Brocade is leading the industry in its transition to the New IP network infrastructures required for today’s era of digital business. (


WT | Wearable Technologies Conference Asia Hong Kong is back (12 Oct)!

WT | Wearable Technologies Conference Asia Hong Kong is back (12 Oct)!

Screen Shot 2016-07-24 at 9.36.54 PM

WT | Wearable Technologies Conference Asia Hong Kong
is back. Register now for the fourth consecutive year in which WT | Wearable Technologies AG gathers the entire value chain of wearables at the Asian leg of the WT | Wearable Technologies Conferences.  Meet both innovative startups and well-known giants from all market segments and continents to learn about the technologies shaping the future.

Taking stage on Oct. 12 at Hong Kong Science Park, the Wearable Technologies Conference is set to showcase the most cutting edge technologies from our exhibitors and provide insight, sharing their unparalleled industry knowledge and real-life experiences from our international speakers like Smartcap, Australia, Lifesense Group, The Netherlands, Covestro and Osram, Germany, Lumenus, Los Angeles.

Since 2006, WT | Wearable Technologies AG stands for the most astonishing, vibrant and informative conference program in the wearable space.

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5 Golden Rules from Expert Christian Stammel

5 Golden Rules from Expert Christian Stammel

The CEO of WT | Wearable Technologies, selected as one of the Top 50 Decision Makers from Politics, Economic and Social, provides the ultimate tips on how to build the perfect wearable.

  1. Design Drives User Adaption: Visible vs. Invisible – That’s the big question.

  2. Energy Efficiency is Key: Wearable designers need to carefully evaluate opportunities in energy harvesting, easy charging solutions and the energy needs of every single electronics component.

  3. Interoperability and Reliability: Get the WT – TÜV SÜD certification mark to make sure you are meeting all important standards for wearables today.

  4. Data is Now: Adding secure and user – friendly data will increase your future revenue stream. Hardware is the concern of the past; now web and cloud services are key components to enhance usability.

  5. The Last Mile for your Customer: All companies are different. To receive the right margin maybe your business needs multiple business cases for each industry. It’s tricky to define a price point for B2B contacts and then for the end consumer.

WT is here to walk you through the difficult process of product making. Book a workshop with our team. Please choose from the services listed below or contact us for a tailor made workshop:

  • Market overview and WT business modeling.
  • A deep dive in enabling technologies
  • Standardization and Certification.


PowerMew Technology crowned winner of Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest in Hong Kong

PowerMew Technology crowned winner of Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest in Hong Kong

Alibaba Cloud

The company will travel to China to compete in the world final later this year.

Hong Kong, July 20, 2016 – Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, hosted the Hong Kong session of Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest (CACSC) today at Hong Kong Science Park, in cooperation with HKSTP (Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation), CoCoon and Paperclip HK. Ten local startups were selected to compete as finalists in the Hong Kong leg of the competition, with other events held in cities around the world including Paris and London. PowerMew Technology Limited was the stand out competitor during the event and took home the top prize. It will now go on to represent Hong Kong at the world final in Hangzhou, China in October 2016 to compete with contestants from other markets including Southeast Asia, Korea, Middle East and Europe.

“Alibaba Cloud believes in championing medium and small businesses and we encourage startups to embrace the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation. CACSC aims to identify the most promising and innovative startups in the world, and to give them a platform to grow and succeed. We are happy to see PowerMew Technology winning the championship in Hong Kong with its forward-thinking and creative ideas leveraging the cloud technology inspired by Alibaba Cloud. We look forward PowerMew Technology participating in the world final and competing with champions from other regions,” said Leo Liu, Business Development Director at Greater China of Alibaba Cloud International.

PowerMew Technology, an online property searching platform in the real estate industry, has been leveraging advanced VR technology to connect proprietors, buyers, tenants and estate agents. By virtue of the cloud computing technology, they allow customers to access social networking service seamlessly for the real estate brokerage anywhere from any smart device.

By winning the championship of the Hong Kong session, PowerMew Technology will receive Alibaba Cloud’s funding for investments into IT infrastructure for the first year, technology training for professionals, tailor-made IT solutions designed by Alibaba Cloud’s architects and one-on-one post-sales support. In addition, winner will receive free office space from CoCoon, and free membership of Paperclip HK.

“We are excited and honored to be crowned champion of the Hong Kong leg of CACSC. It is a significant stepping stone for us, and will help us take our ideas to a global market with the support of Alibaba Cloud. With the cloud capabilities provided by Alibaba Cloud, we are confident that we can strengthen our business and bring our innovations to other markets,” said Sophie Lo and Eddie Chan, Co-founders of PowerMew Technology.

The Hong Kong event judging panel included Leo Liu, Business Development Director at Greater China of Alibaba Cloud International; Cindy Chow, Executive Director of HK Entrepreneurs Fund; Peter Mok, Head of Incubation Programme of HKSTP; and Roland Yau, Managing Partner of CoCoon Ignite Ventures. The competition, which comprises of onsite presentation and Q&A with judges, evaluated the contestants based on the qualification of the founder team, the level of innovation they demonstrated, the market competitiveness and the potential to scale of their business models, and their presentation skills.

Mr. Allen MA Kam-sing, Chief Executive Officer of HKSTP said, “We are delighted to partner with Alibaba Cloud on this meaningful initiative, which provides Hong Kong’s inspiring entrepreneurs with leading technology support and access to abundant resources through Alibaba Cloud’s global network. We look forward to seeing more Hong Kong start-ups thrive and grow their global footprints through this program.”

“CoCoon Ignite Ventures is happy to have been invited as a judge and supporter of this great event. This is a continuation of our ongoing collaboration with Science Park and Alibaba and we hope events like this show the growing support for Hong Kong entrepreneurs. In particular, we recognize that Alibaba has offered quite a few initiatives to entrepreneurs in Hong Kong, including establishing the Alibaba’s Entrepreneur Fund and offering support for Alibaba’s cloud services, and we look forward to continue working with Alibaba on these important initiatives,” said Mr. Roland Yau, Managing Partner of CoCoon Ignite Ventures.

“We are honored to co-work with Alibaba Cloud to host the Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest—Hong Kong. As a startup campus, we are excited to see this program help build up the startup eco-system in Hong Kong and also grow the startups successfully at a regional and global level,” said Deepak Madnani, Founder and CEO of Paperclip HK.

The CACSC is part of the Alibaba Cloud’s global startup program, Create@Alibaba Cloud, which was first launched in April this year. It aims to champion startups and maximize their potential through Alibaba’s comprehensive support network and innovative suite of cloud infrastructure services.

Alibaba Cloud established its first data center in Hong Kong in May 2014. With the second Hong Kong data centre established in November last year, Alibaba Cloud has further underscored its commitment to address increasing demand for cloud computing resources in the region and its commitment to globalization. In addition, Alibaba Cloud launched traditional Chinese and English websites last year and has accepted Hong Kong bank cards for purchases. At present, its cloud server nodes support Elastic Compute Service (ECS), Relational Database Service (RDS), Object Storage Service (OSS), Server Load Balancer, Cloud Monitoring System, Cloud Shield and other services. Proprietary virtual private cloud (VPC) network services are being planned to meet more sophisticated user requirements.

About Alibaba Cloud
Established in September 2009, Alibaba Cloud (, Alibaba Group’s cloud computing arm, develops highly scalable platforms for cloud computing and data management. It provides a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services to support participants
of Alibaba Group’s online and mobile commerce ecosystem, including sellers and other third-party customers and businesses. Alibaba Cloud is a business within Alibaba Group.

About Create@Alibaba Cloud
This is Alibaba Cloud’s first global start-up program, aimed at championing startups and maximizing their potential through Alibaba’s comprehensive support network and innovative suite of cloud infrastructure services. As part of the program, participants will receive funding for investments into IT infrastructure for the first year, technology training for professionals, tailor-made IT solutions designed by Alibaba Cloud’s architects and one-on-one post-sales support, to help the start-ups get their business up to speed and running smoothly. In addition to offering cloud capabilities, Create@Alibaba Cloud also empowers start-ups with better access to overseas markets and potential connections.

To learn more:


Discover Weekly Reaches Nearly 5 Billion Tracks Streamed Since Launch

Discover Weekly Reaches Nearly 5 Billion Tracks Streamed Since Launch

Over 40 Million Users Have Tuned in to Listen to Discover Weekly on Spotify

[12 July 2016, Hong Kong] The world biggest music streaming platform, Spotify, shared on their blog that they have over 40 million listeners who love Discover Weekly, and nearly 5 billion tracks have been streamed since it was launched in June of 2015. Updated every Monday morning, Discover Weekly gives you the best-ever music recommendations, tailored specifically to you and delivered as a weekly mixtape of awesome, completely personalized music. You now have a reason to look forward to Mondays!

Here’s a look at how Spotify users are keeping their listening fresh with Discover Weekly:

  • More than half of all Discover Weekly listeners come back the following week.
  • More than half of all Discover Weekly listeners stream at least 10 tracks from it each week.
  • More than half of Discover Weekly listeners go on to save at least one song to their own playlist.
  • Discover Weekly is most popular with the 25-34 age group, closely followed by the 55+ age group.
  • The top three genres streamed from Discover Weekly since its launch are 1) pop 2) indietronica 2) indie pop.

Discover Weekly isn’t just about giving listeners personalized music; it’s also benefiting artists and helping them to be, well, discovered. There are over 8,000 artists for whom more than half of their listeners in the last month were from Discover Weekly alone.

Several artists like BØRNS and Halsey have been discovered by over a million new listeners through Discover Weekly. And other artists like Transviolet, TastyTreat, and Safakash — all of whom have over half their monthly listeners coming from Discover Weekly. Over in Hong Kong, successful examples at the top artists list are British singer-songwriter Sam Smith and electronic musician Matthew Koma from the USA. Discover Weekly also boosts songs’ rates where one can see Madilyn Bailey’s I’m Not The Only One and Rixton’s Hotel Ceiling are in the recent top tracks.

A billion thank yous to the fans who have made Discover Weekly a phenomenon. The entire Discover Weekly team couldn’t be more excited about all of the music you discover, listen to and share every day through Discover Weekly.

Here’s to Mondays and even more music discovery. Remember, the more you listen, the better your Discover Weekly gets!

For your listening pleasure, check out the all time top tracks listened to most on Discover Weekly.



[Image] Discover Weekly 1


[Image] Discover Weekly 2


(ISC)² Announces 2016 Asia-Pacific Information Security Leadership Achievements (ISLA) Honorees

(ISC)² Announces 2016 Asia-Pacific Information Security Leadership Achievements (ISLA) Honorees

Tenth Anniversary of Asia-Pacific ISLA ceremony to be held concurrently with (ISC)2 Security Congress APAC July 25-26 in Bangkok

HONG KONG, CHINA – Media OutReach – Jul 12, 2016 – (ISC)²® today announced the honorees for its tenth annual Asia-Pacific Information Security Leadership Achievements (Asia-Pacific ISLA®) Program. (ISC)² will recognize 35 honorees and announce four showcased workforce initiatives, as well as a community service star special recognition at a gala dinner and ceremony on July 26, 2016 at Centara Grand at CentralWorld, Bangkok, Thailand. Concurrently, (ISC)2 Security Congress APAC, co-hosted with the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) of Thailand and (ISC)2, in partnership with Image Engine Pte. Ltd. will be held July 25-26 at the same venue.

The guest of honor, Surangkana Wayuparb, Executive Director and CEO of Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) of Thailand, together with (ISC)2 executives, will celebrate the workforce achievements of top information security professionals from the Asia-Pacific region.

David Shearer, CEO, (ISC)² says, “It is the tenth time that we will be recognizing and celebrating the outstanding, but arduous, work done by the cyber, information, software and infrastructure security professionals who are making a difference and helping to advance the industry. This year, we received many top-notch nominations from the entire Asia-Pacific region. We believe that many in the industry support the mission of Asia-Pacific ISLA to commend the great work of the heroes and heroines in this industry. I would also like to extend my deepest appreciation to our Asia-Pacific Advisory Council (APAC) and all the members of this year’s Nomination Review Committee for their perseverance and hard work to continue this program into its tenth anniversary.”

The 2016 honorees are as follows:

In the information security practitioner category:

  1. Kai Chi Chang, Section Head of Network Security Data, National Center for Cyber Security Technology & Institute for Information Industry (Taiwan)
  1. Joyce Fan, CISSP, CSSLP, Vice-Chairperson (Membership & Constitution), Professional Information Security Association (Hong Kong)
  1. Kosetsu Kayama, CISSP, Cyber Defense Center Manager, Fujitsu Limited (Japan)
  1. Kyu-ho Lee, CTO, Secuve Co., Ltd (Korea)
  1. Wayne Wei-Wen Liu, CISSP, CISA, CGEIT, Senior Information Security Manager, Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (China)
  1. Vijay Luiz, CISSP, CISA, Secretary, (ISC)2 Singapore Chapter (Singapore)
  1. Dr. Ching-Hao Mao, CCSK, OCPJWCD, SCJP, Section Manager, Institute for Information Industry (Taiwan)
  1. Moshiul Islam Mishu, CISSP, CISA, CFE, Security Engineer, Augmedix (Bangladesh)
  1. Phannarith Ou, Director of ICT Security, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (Cambodia)
  1. Syed Zafar Saeed, CISSP, CISA, CISM, IT Security Architect, Avaya (India)
  1. Jumpon Suwanphahu, CSSLP, SSCP, Security+, Consultant, ACIS Professional Center Co., Ltd. (Thailand)
  1. Tony Tsai, LPI Level 1, Encase I/II, ISO/IEC 17025, Manager of Digital Forensics Center, Acer CyberCenter Services, Inc. (Taiwan)


In the senior information security professional category:

  1. Dongkeun Choi, Director, CISO, CPO, LOTTE Card Co., Ltd. (Korea)
  1. Shin-ichi Fuchigami, CISSP, SSCP, CCAI, Vice-President, International Information Technology Business College (Japan)
  1. Chen-che Hsu, SSCP, CEH, CHFI, Engineer, Chunghwa Telecom (Taiwan)
  1. Albert Hui, GXPN, GREM, CRISC, Principal Consultant, Security Ronin (Hong Kong)
  1. Dr. Mingu Jumaan, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D, Director, Sabah State Computer Services Department (Malaysia
  1. Hisashi Kasahara, CISSP, Adviser, Security Business Promotion, NTT Electronics Corporation (Japan)
  1. Dr. Hamed Khiabani, CISSP, GPEN, GCFA, Security Operations Manager, Experian (Malaysia)
  1. Koshi Kobayashi, CISSP, ISSJP, Manager, NEC Management Partner, Ltd. (Japan)
  1. Chan Lee, CISO, CJ Corporation (Korea)
  1. Otto Lee, CISSP, CSSLP, CISA, Chairperson, Professional Information Security Association (Hong Kong)
  1. Anthony Lim, CSSLP, CCSP, Senior Cybersecurity Advisor, Asia Pacific, Frost & Sullivan (Singapore)
  1. Indranil Mukherjee, CISSP, ISO 27001:2013 Lead Auditor, CISA, Managing Director, Singapore ISC Pte Ltd./ ISC GloBal (Singapore)
  1. Todorovic Vladan, M.Sc., Founder, Advanced Security Technologies Asia Pte Ltd. (Singapore)
  1. King Cheung Kelvin Wong, Officer, Hong Kong Police Force (Hong Kong)


In the managerial professional for information security project(s) category:

  1. Raul Paolo Miranda, CISSP, CITPM, Masters in CIO Practices, Membership Director, (ISC)2 Singapore Chapter (Singapore)
  1. Seungwoo Nam, CISO/CPO, NH Bank (Korea)
  1. Kumpol Sontanarat, Director of ICT Department, Securities and Exchange Commission (Thailand)
  1. Victor Yeo, CISSP, QISP, Deputy General Manager, ST Electronics (Info-Security) Pte Ltd. (Singapore)
  1. Suk Jin Yun, Partner, EY Han Young (Korea)


In the information security educator category:

  1. Dato Dr. Norbik B. Idris, Professor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia)
  1. Dr. Heejo Lee, Professor, Korea University (Korea)
  1. Hung Leung, Senior Lecturer, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) (Hong Kong)
  1. Prabath Lakmal Rupasinghe, MBA, CISSP, CISA, Senior Lecturer/Consultant, SLIIT (Sri Lanka)

The 2016 (ISC)² Asia-Pacific ISLA Nomination Review Committee is comprised of members of the (ISC)² Asia-Pacific Advisory Council and previous Asia-Pacific ISLA honorees. For details about the members of ISLA 2016 Nomination Review Committee, please visit

Concurrently, (ISC)2 Security Congress APAC 2016, will take place July 25-26 at Centara Grand at CentralWorld in Bangkok. For more information and to register for (ISC)2 Security Congress APAC, please visit


About (ISC)²

(ISC)² is an international nonprofit membership association focused on inspiring a safe and secure cyber world. Best known for the acclaimed Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP®) certification, (ISC)2 offers a portfolio of credentials that are part of a holistic, programmatic approach to security. Our membership, over 115,000 strong, is made up of certified cyber, information, software and infrastructure security professionals who are making a difference and helping to advance the industry. Our vision is supported by our commitment to educate and reach the general public through our charitable foundation — The Center for Cyber Safety and EducationTM. For more information on (ISC)², visit, follow us on Twitter or connect with us on Facebook.

© 2016, (ISC)² Inc., (ISC)², CISSP, ISSAP, ISSMP, ISSEP, CSSLP, CCSP, CAP, CCFP, HCISPP, SSCP and CBK are registered marks of (ISC)², Inc.

Atradius Insights 2.0: Setting New Standards in Credit Management

Atradius Insights 2.0: Setting New Standards in Credit Management


Customer Feedback Fine Tunes Business Intelligence Software

HONG KONG, CHINA – Media OutReachJul 4, 2016 – Atradius Credit Insurance recently announced the eagerly awaited launch of Atradius Insights 2.0, the latest version of the company’s prestigious business intelligence tool. Customers and brokers alike will be particularly interested in this upgraded offering, since it was their feedback that inspired many of its enhancements and additional features.  

This state-of-the-art software, originally launched in Europe in 2014 and in Asia one year later, was designed to provide an efficient, simple-to-use tool for optimized portfolio management — to monitor performance, identify risk and seek opportunities. The credit insurance industry was quick to recognize its arrival as a ‘game changer’, evidenced by winning the Oracle “Fusion Middleware Innovation Award” in 2015 and being shortlisted amongst the top three for “Outstanding Online Platform 2015” for the annual Hong Kong Insurance Awards which are run by the HKFI.

‘The Insight tool has experienced steady growth in usage since its launch. Winning several awards over the past two years is testament that Insights is the software equivalent to a Raspberry Pi but for the credit insurance world; the ideal risk management tool for the savvy CFO and Controller wanting to access portfolio information anytime, anywhere and in whatever format required’.

Eric den Boogert (Managing Director, Atradius Credit Insurance, Asia)


Novel key features include an intuitive dashboard providing an overview of the portfolio status along with insights into credit limit decisions and deductions as well as the ability to create and maintain policy groups and buyer country groups. Users are able to easily filter or search information as required and also quickly pinpoint anomalies and areas for further investigation. Users can see how claims paid compare to premium and in addition interactive world maps can be used to identify business opportunities as well as areas of risk.

For more details about Atradius insights, please visit Atradius Insights Online Business Intelligence Tool Teaser and Atradius Insights Online Business Intelligence Tool Tutorial.

About Atradius
Atradius provides trade credit insurance, surety and collections services worldwide through a strategic presence in 50 countries. Atradius has access to credit information on 200 million companies worldwide. Its credit insurance, bonding and collections products help protect companies throughout the world from payment risks associated with selling products and services on trade credit. Atradius forms part of Grupo Catalana Occidente (GCO.MC), one of the leading insurers in Spain and worldwide in credit insurance. Please visit us at


Alibaba Cloud Kicks off Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest in Europe

Alibaba Cloud Kicks off Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest in Europe

Alibaba Cloud

Hangzhou, June 27, 2016
Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, announced the kick-off of its Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest (CACSC) regional events in Europe. The CACSC is part of the Alibaba Clouds global startup program, Create@Alibaba Cloud, which was first launched in Singapore in April this year.

The European contests are set to begin in London and Paris on 23 June and 5 July respectively, while other regional contests will be held in South East Asia, Korea, Dubai, Hong Kong and major provinces throughout China later this year. The most promising contestants from each regional event will be invited to attend the world final at the Alibaba Cloud Computing Conference, which will be held in Hangzhou in October 2016.

CACSC is a global entrepreneur contest aimed at championing startups and maximizing their potential through Alibaba’s comprehensive support network and innovative suite of cloud infrastructure services. Businesses are judged on their innovativeness, market potential, profitability and teams.

CACSC provides participants with professional technology training and one-on-one post-sales support to help startups get their businesses up to speed and running smoothly. It also empowers startups with better access to overseas markets and potential connections, which is crucial for those startups looking to expand internationally.

“Alibaba Cloud’s mission is to empower businesses of all sizes and all industries to expand and grow. CACSC is one of the key elements of our Create@Alibaba Cloud program and we are devoted to bringing our expertise to global start-ups through providing access to cloud capabilities from Alibaba Cloud,” said Mr. Sicheng YU, Vice President of Alibaba Group and General Manager of Alibaba Cloud International. “Startups and small enterprises are essential to global innovation and we are excited to see what types of ideas entrepreneurs in Europe put forth during the London and Paris contests, and especially how Alibaba Cloud’s big data and cloud services can help them to achieve their goals.”

A European Hotbed for Technology

Alibaba Cloud chose London as a host city for the CACSC given the capital’s reputation for being a hotbed for technology startups and ideas. As an exciting convergence of high-quality talent, capital, infrastructure and ideas, London enjoys an envied ‘world city’ address providing access to businesses with international reach. Taking place during London Technology Week, CACSC London will be held on 23 June at Huckletree, a London-based co-working space designed for inspiring small businesses and startups, in partnership with London & Partners and Cocoon Networks.

“As the home of more than 40,000 tech businesses, London is now one of the largest tech capitals in Europe with more software developers than Stockholm, Berlin and Dublin combined. The scene for tech startups is thriving and London is one of the best cities to scale and globalize a business. We’re proud to be part of CACSC London and look forward to seeing a local startup take the stage in China in October,” said Gordon Innes, CEO of London & Partners.

Startups from across the UK and the Netherlands have applied to join the CACSC London and compete. Their business ideas come from a range of different industries including e-commerce, Internet of Things, social media and finance.

Opportunity for Global Innovation

Paris has been selected to host the second European regional contest, partnering with Paris & Co, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) and Association des Chinois à l’Etranger pour la Création d’Entreprise (ACECE).

“As the economic development and innovation agency in Paris, our mission is to promote the international attractiveness of Paris. We look forward to seeing more brilliant French startups participate in the Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest Paris and explore the opportunities of the digital economy in China,” said Karine Bidart, Managing Director of Paris & Co.

The French capital is well placed to take advantage of the country’s famous scientific tradition, strong engineering workforce and rigorous education system, all of which are encouraging a new generation of startups and an evolving entrepreneurial culture. More than 500 startups will be participating in CACSC Paris, from a wide variety of industries including multimedia, social media, e-education, tourism tech and robotics.

“China has become a new blue ocean for European startups to expand their businesses, and it represents a huge opportunity with an enormous and unsatisfied consumer market, thirst for technology and a pool of risk taking investors,” said Bo JI, Chief Representative for CKGSB Europe.

More information about the Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest can be found at

About Alibaba Cloud

Established in September 2009, Alibaba Cloud (, Alibaba Group’s cloud computing arm, develops highly scalable platforms for cloud computing and data management. It provides a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services to support participants of Alibaba Group’s online and mobile commerce ecosystem, including sellers and other third-party customers and businesses. Alibaba Cloud is a business within Alibaba Group.


Adobe Creative Cloud Innovations Take Creativity from Blank Page to Brilliant

Adobe Creative Cloud Innovations Take Creativity from Blank Page to Brilliant

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New Capabilities in Flagship Products, Performance Enhancements and Updates to Adobe Stock Allow Effortless Creation

Hong Kong — June 27, 2016 — Taking aim at inefficiencies that slow down the creation process, Adobe today launched major updates to its flagship Creative Cloud tools and services. The release includes dramatic new features in Adobe’s flagship applications, performance enhancements across Creative Cloud (CC), and exciting updates to Adobe Stock — including deeper integration within CC and the addition of an all-new Premium collection of high quality stock content. Spanning across virtually all of the Creative Cloud portfolio, updates in this new release target many of the pain points that designers, photographers and filmmakers face every day.

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Adobe Hong Kong & Taiwan Country Manager, Raymond Fung

“We have two key goals with this release: saving our customers time and helping them jumpstart their creative engines,” said Bryan Lamkin, executive vice president and general manager, Digital Media at Adobe. “Every creative project starts with a blank page and ends with a vision coming to life. Today’s release of Creative Cloud will help make that journey as fast and productive as possible. From deeper integration of Adobe Stock into the CC experience, to amazing new features like Content-Aware Crop in Adobe Photoshop, this release will expedite the creative process for millions of our customers.”

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Adobe Hong Kong & Taiwan Digital Media Solutions Consultant, Ernest Wong

“The industry is going through unprecedented changes driven by mobile explosion, and content velocity is becoming more critical in tying content and customer experience to business impact and success. However, we know only 16% of marketers and business leaders in Asia Pacific say they have the workflows in place to enable the alignment and collaboration needed to deal with the scale of content production they’re facing1,” said Paul Robson, president, Adobe Asia Pacific. “This release delivers the magic and improved workflow that unleashes creativity and helps organisations ultimately provide superb customer experience across channels.”

Today‘s updates mark another step forward in establishing Creative Cloud as the one-stop shop for creative people — providing the best in desktop tools, mobile applications, training and a vibrant marketplace featuring services like Adobe Stock, as well as access to the Behance community that’s now over 7 million strong.

“The latest feature of Lightroom, a new Guided Upright option, which now under new Transform panel, enables us to correct all perspectives problems due to imperfect lens & shooting limitation of the location. It is now saving us more than half of our post-processing time, and much more important, saving our budget in purchasing or renting the most expensive tilt & shift lens on cost sensitive projects,” said Terence Pang, Chief Photographer and Videography Producer at Image Factory Company, Hong Kong.

“We could not have completed our debut television series, “The Wizards of Aus” without Adobe Creative Cloud,” said Chris Hocking, General Manager of LateNite Films. “Unlike the majority of film and television, we didn’t have a traditional offline/online workflow and therefore needed a solution with specific elements: enabled for Mac and PC, compatible for UltraHD footage and the ability to seamlessly switch between offline editing and visual effects without slowing things down. We were constantly jumping between Premiere for editing, and After Effects for visual effects right up until we exported the final Digital Cinema Package using Adobe Media Encoder.”

“We’ve been utilizing Adobe Creative Cloud in order to reflect our brand identity in creative works and deliver a customer-centric design experience,” said Ho Jae Lee, Deputy Head of Design Team, Marketing Division, BC Card. “We believe that these updates, which offer collaboration features critical for keeping visual elements consistent and target many of the pain points that users around the world face every day, will enhance efficiency and creativity altogether.”

Built Right into Creative Cloud: Adobe Stock Service Offers Best, Broadest Selection

Research from Pfeiffer Consulting confirms that integrating Adobe Stock with CC desktop applications delivers up to 10 times greater efficiency than other stock services*. The expanded Adobe Stock service includes over 55 million royalty-free, high-quality photos, videos, illustrations and graphics as well as the following new capabilities:

One-Click Workflow. Deeper Adobe Stock integration with CC applications enables a new One-Click Workflow that lets users select an image or video on the Adobe Stock website and place it on their creative canvas with a single click. Also an expanded In-app Purchase feature delivers an industry-first, one-click license capability, directly from Photoshop.

Premium Collection. Adobe’s first premium content offering sourced for Adobe Stock, includes nearly 100,000 curated images that meet the standards of top advertising agencies, leading brands and digital and print publications.

Monetization Made Easier. Coming soon, Adobe will expand on its vision to build out the world’s largest creative marketplace by offering opportunities for creative professionals to contribute and monetize their work. They can contribute directly from desktop and mobile applications including Adobe Lightroom CC, Adobe Bridge CC, Photoshop Fix and Photoshop Mix, providing an easy on-ramp to showcasing and selling their work via Adobe Stock. Also coming soon is Adobe’s new Stock Contributor Portal, which will feature intelligent auto-tagging capabilities saving hours of keywording.

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Ernest Wong introduced Adobe Creative Cloud updates to the media

New CC Desktop App Capabilities and Performance Enhancements

Highly anticipated CC features, offering critical time savings and new creative opportunities for Creative Cloud subscribers include:

Content-Aware Crop in Photoshop, which automatically fills in the gaps when you rotate or expand a canvas beyond the original image size.

Face-Aware Liquify in Photoshop, an easy way to create artistic effects with facial features using the Liquify Tool while keeping the face in proportion.

Match Font in Photoshop, an innovative font recognition technology that has the ability to recognize and identify licensed fonts and automatically suggest fonts available on your computer system or available to license through Adobe Typekit.

Character Animator Preview in After Effects CC, which matches an animated character to a real-life actor’s speech and movements, was first showcased on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert in the host’s recurring Cartoon Donald Trump” (1:30) interviews and most recently by The Simpsons animation team in the episode that aired May 15, 2016.

• New Virtual Reality (VR) features in Adobe Premiere Pro CC, including “field of view” mode for previewing content.

Fast Export of assets and artboards in Adobe Illustrator CC, allowing users to export assets to multiple formats and resolutions with a single click.

Photoshop productivity enhancements, including a four times performance improvement when working with the Font Menu and three times improvement for Content-Aware Fill features.

CreativeSync and Assets: Greater Discoverability, Productivity and Integrated Mobile to Desktop Workflows

The company’s signature CreativeSync technology ensures a user’s files, fonts, design assets, and settings instantly appear in their mobile to desktop workflow, wherever they need them. Recently made available collaboration capabilities include read-only Creative Cloud Libraries that provide controlled permission levels while collaborating with teams. The Creative Cloud library serves as a virtual digital style guide for teams to ensure campaigns are consistent and always on brand. Creatives can also delegate permission levels to help manage libraries and files. Also new is an updated Creative Cloud Libraries panel with Search Filters that allow customers to easily search and select video, photo, vector and illustration assets.

New Capabilities Add Value for Global Brands and Agencies

Creative Cloud for enterprise (CCE) enables customers to create, collaborate and deliver content at high velocity — all behind the security of a corporate firewall. Updates to Creative Cloud for enterprise deliver significant new capabilities, including: simplified workflows for creative teams collaborating and exchanging assets, as well as read-only libraries and folders, archiving support for folders and files and versioning capabilities. With today’s CC release, Adobe Stock for enterprise now includes the Premium collection as well as advanced search, flexible payment plans and the ability to track stock images and videos through one unified enterprise dashboard.

Pricing and Availability

Updates to CC desktop apps are now available for download by Creative Cloud members as part of their membership at no additional cost. Membership plans are available for individuals, students, teams, educational institutions, government agencies and enterprises. For pricing details, visit:

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Based on APAC Digital Marketing Performance Dashboard released late last year

TNG Wallet: Fintech Development in Hong Kong – Payment, P2P, P2M

TNG Wallet: Fintech Development in Hong Kong – Payment, P2P, P2M

(23 June 2016, Hong Kong).  TNG Wallet allows Cash Withdrawal, Bank Transfer, P2P, P2M, Bill Payment, Donation, online and offline payments.  The company launched P2P transfer last year in November 2015 and has accumulated 300,000 users to date. Founder and CEO of TNG, Mr. Alex Kong, says there are now over 500 retail outlets and 32 Pricerite outlets already adopted the TNG Wallet.  The company is in the midst of developing a Fintech Index, to regularly report MAU (Monthly Active User), which will be audited by professional audit companies.  Kong expects the company will acquire 1,500 more merchants by the end of this year.

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SFC Approval
Kong says TNG activities have to be regulated and approved by the SFC, in this respect, the company setup a segregated custodian account, under a bank’s custodian arrangement, thus in the worst scenario, i.e., 100% of its users withdraw all their cash at once, Kong claims there should not be any problems.

Fraud Protection for Merchants
TNG has to comply with the following three main regulations, (i) Anti-Money Laundering, (ii) Counter Terrorist Financing, and (iii) Transaction Monitoring, etc. In this respect, for all transactions, the company uses a real-time check to check the name of the user, against a global database to see if the user is listed as a High Risk user, domiciled in Sanctioned Countries, or on the Terrorists List.

API for Website and App Developers
TNG target customers are SMEs, and eCommerce operators and provides API so merchants can receive payments.  Kong highlighted that this is useful for those who wish to avoid high credit card fees.

Low Costs for SMEs
TNG Wallet allows merchants to receive payments T+1, i.e. merchants can receive payments on the next day.  The average transaction cost of TNG Wallet is between 1 to 1.5%.

Cash Withdrawal – 27 Hotspots
TNG users can withdraw cash up to HK$50,000 per day, on 365 days a year.  TNG partners with Money Changers.  Currently, there are 27 hotspots offering round-the-year cash withdrawal cash facilities, and they are located near MTR stations, many are opened until 10:00pm.  No service charge nor handling fees for the users.

Bank Transfer to more than 20 Licensed Banks
Users can transfer money to their own personal registered account in 20 licensed banks in Hong Kong (no handling fees).  There is no transfer limit, and the cut off time is 4:00pm, i.e. settled within one working day at the earliest (next working day settlement for transfer submitted before 4pm).  To register for the Bank Transfer service, the user is required to upload his or her bank statement, this is to ensure the bank statement’s name matches with the HKID’s.

Competitive Edge over Apple Pay, Samsung Pay
Kong says a merchant who adopts Apple Pay or Samung Pay etc. normally gets charged 3 times:

  1.  The Issuing Credit Card / Bank
  2.  The Merchant’s Acquiring Bank
  3.  Apple Pay (Apple Company)

while TNG Wallet only charges the merchant between 1 to 1.5%

There is no need for the customer to touch the TNG reader, as the user do not need to stand very close to the reader in order to pay.  Another advantage is that there is no need for NFC, as TNG Wallet does not require read and write function.

Other Services Launching Soon:

Bus Pass. TNG already signed agreements with several bus and minibus companies, and the license is currently pending Transport Department’s approval.  The company will provide TNG reader devices to the transportation companies, and the payment will initially be under Pilot Scheme for certain routes first.  The benefits of using TNG, Kong says, is that TNG will provide useful CRM and big data information, so that transportation companies can reward loyal passengers with, for example, coffee coupons.


TNG Wallet supports offline transactions, i.e. no internet connection is required, TNG Wallet reader makes use of beacon and bluetooth.  The user’s smartphone senses the beacon, the Bus Pass screen will pop up, and the user scans and pays.  No transaction PIN is required.  TNG Wallet supports all types of fares (children and elderly fares etc.)

Coin Purse. This applies to retail outlets, the user can set the maximum limit per day, and can also set the maximum value per transaction.  No transaction PIN is required.  If the customer previously joined the merchant’s membership club, his/her Virtual Membership Card will appear on the smartphone, which displays how many loyalty points the user has left with the merchant.


Smart Watch. No NFC is required, Kong pinpointed that more than 80% of the merchants in the market are not equipped with NFC readers, in this respect, if the customer has a smart watch, all they need to do is to walk near the cashier, and the smartphone senses the beacon and bluetooth, the QR code will then pop up on the customer’s phone, and the customer just need to scan his/her’s smartwatch in order to pay.

3-Tier Membership Structure
Kong introduced the 3-Tier Membership Structure, for more details, please see:

In essence, for Normal Member, no registration nor verification (e.g. HKID, Address Proof) is required.  The user needs a Hong Kong mobile phone number, and it takes about 30 seconds to activate the service.  This should allow TNG to reach 80% of the Hong Kong users.  However, this tier does not allow users to use their credit card to top up.  The Annual Transaction Limit is HK$25,000, and the Store Value Limit (at any time) is HK$3,000.

To register for VIP Member, the user is required to upload their HKID Card, and TNG will review and approve the application.  The Annual Transaction Limit is HK$100,000, and the Store Value Limit (at any time) is HK$50,000.

To become a Super VIP Member, the user is required upload HKID card, and need to conduct face to face account opening with TNG staff, to validate HKID Card and Address Proof, this is to comply with SFC requirements.  There is no Annual Transaction Limit, and the Store Value Limit (at any time) is HK$100,000.

To conclude, Kong says TNG’s goal is to create a Cashless Society and Cardless Society, and the company’s KPI is safe, reliable, and fast payment transfer.  The company is looking to expand to other markets – Singapore, Indonesia, The Philippines, and Thailand.  Without doubt, we see steady progress in Payment, P2P, P2M Fintech Development in Hong Kong.


TNG Wallet makes Big Leap with 2.0 Version

TNG Wallet makes Big Leap with 2.0 Version

TNG Wallet makes Big Leap with 2.0 Version
Featuring pioneer 365 days year-round Cash Withdrawal Hotspots,
Bank Transfer, Credit Card Top-up and TNG Membership


The well-received e-payment for taxi rides in Hong Kong is just one of the many recent milestones achieved by TNG Wallet.  The latest winner of various international Fintech accolades, TNG Wallet never settles with its initial success in the retail and transportation industries, and its latest launch of TNG Wallet 2.0 is the manifestation of its pioneering vision in taking the digital payment ecosystem in Hong Kong to the next level.  TNG Wallet 2.0 is indeed revolutionary with its three major upgrades, namely 365 days year-round cash withdrawal hotspots, bank transfer, and instant credit card top-up service, and TNG Membership.

Addition of 27 Year-Round Cash Withdrawal Hotspots offer Users Emergency Cash Access:
Transforming Hong Kong into a “cashless” city is always at the centre of TNG Wallet’s strategy, yet launching a cash withdrawal service in consolidation of local market practice ensures TNG users can enjoy both cash and cashless spending convenience in daily transactions.  Partnering with First International Resources Ltd. and Unison Foreign Exchange Ltd., TNG Super VIP (“SVIP”) members can now easily withdraw up to HK$50,000 in cash per day from their TNG Wallet by scanning the QR code of the withdrawn amount with their smartphone and entering the transaction PIN at the 27 strong Unison and MTR line-bound First Exchange hotspot network.

TNG Membership presents numerous unique User Offers:
Join the new TNG Membership and enjoy premium transaction, value storage, withdrawal and top-up experience through TNG Wallet.  A three-tier membership structure seeks to address different cashless payment needs, allowing users to freely register for Normal, VIP, or SVIP membership.  Users will benefit from an array of basic services such as Person-to-Person (P2P), Money Transfer to friends, Real-time Bill Payment, Person-to-Merchant (P2M) Payment, Receiving Payment, e-Coupons, and e-Tickets, to upgraded services like bank transfer, credit card top-up, and cash withdrawal exclusively for VIP Member and SVIP Member.  It takes merely 30 seconds for a new user to install and register the TNG Wallet app as a Normal Member.  For VIP Member applications, users are required to submit personal information through their smartphone, and for SVIP Member, users have to complete a registration in person.

Mr. Alex Kong, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of TNG, stated the three-tier TNG membership allows users to customise their own TNG Wallet service experience, “The flexible TNG Membership is highly customisable for users to tailor their e-payment needs.  TNG will expand its offerings to members from time to time for optional user experience.”

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Pioneering Services extend to Bank Transfer and Credit Card Top-up Services:
TNG Wallet is at the forefront of the latest e-payment trend and a first mover in Hong Kong’s P2P transfer development by launching the popular P2P transfer service in November 2015.  TNG Wallet also announced the launch of Bank Transfer service today, allowing VIP and SVIP members to transfer the stored value in their TNG Wallet to more than 20 licensed banks without any handling fee.  The service has a minimum transfer amount of HK$100 with no limit and unlimited daily transaction that will be settled within one working day at the earliest (next working day settlement for transfer submitted before 4pm).  

Apart from Bank Transfer services, TNG VIP or SVIP members enjoy extra top-up convenience, anytime and anywhere, by link up their credit cards (applicable to VISA Card and MasterCard issued in Hong Kong only) with the same printed name of users to their TNG Wallet upon membership registration.  Once the application is verified, the credit card will be added as a top-up option for TNG Wallet.  Mr. Kong underlined the user convenience of the new credit card top-up feature, “Our VIP and SVIP members can link up more than one credit card with their TNG Wallet after submitting an application via their smartphone, and this provides added convenience in times of urgent or unexpected cash need.”

Service Coverage extends to Major Retail Chains and Charities:
After reaching cooperation agreement with the city’s prominent taxi operators, the latest cooperation between TNG Wallet and Pricerite as the first large furniture chain stores to accept TNG payment is a progressive step in TNG’s partnership with the prominent retail operator, essentially driving the development of Hong Kong’s e-payment market with full coverage of all basic necessities.  After connecting 32 Pricerite outlets in Hong Kong with TNG Wallet, Mr. Kong was delighted to add another cashless spending convenience, “TNG Wallet allows enterprises to minimise their operating costs, and leverage the convenience of e-payment to attract customers.  We are looking to extend our cooperative network and collaboration with the Hong Kong business community across all industries, to speed up the development of the e-payment industry and bring more tangible and cost-saving e-Wallet benefits to our merchants and users through the ever-widening adoption of such a concept.”

Through cooperation with charitable organisations Mother’s Choice and Helping Hand, TNG Wallet is more than a convenient retail payment option but also a direct channel for charitable donations.  Mr. Kong shared his vision on cooperation with charitable organisations, “High administrative costs have always been a concern for fundraising activities among charities, and TNG Wallet offers them an effective solution.  From now, Hong Kong people can make charitable donations via TNG Wallet with just a few clicks on their smartphone, while charitable organisations no longer require a large number of street fundraisers; this significantly increases efficiency and reduces administrative costs.”

Speaking of the much anticipated TNG Wallet 2.0, Mr. Kong commented, “It has only been eight months since TNG Wallet’s inception and launch, and TNG Wallet will continue to innovate and dedicate its leading-edge technology to optimise its existing services and launch new features.  The more intuitive TNG Wallet 2.0 significantly enhances our Membership system, service coverage as well as cash withdrawal, top-up and transfer features, and we are confident that TNG Wallet 2.0 will soon become a “must-have” among Hong Kong people.”

About TNG:
Founded in 2013, TNG is committed to bringing its leading-edge technology to enhance the life of Hong Kong people through its next generation payment, money transfer and lifestyle management solutions.  TNG is a user-friendly and technologically-advanced electronic wallet that combines innovative promotion and marketing strategies, such as online-to-offline (O2O) transactions and payments, targeted marketing, member benefits, e-tickets and e-coupons in one solution on the smartphone for users to settle transactions such as purchase payments, bill payments and convenient peer-to-peer (P2P) money transfers.

TNG’s convenient and free-to-user value adding (top-up) service is available at numerous merchants in Hong Kong, including all 759 Stores, all 7-Eleven convenience stores, all Jetco ATM terminals, as well as the online banking platform of selected banks.  Thanks to the built-in customer relationship management (CRM) platform which is free to merchants, merchants can now enjoy a more affordable non-cash option with low handling fee, and significant improvement in their cash flow through TNG’s fast settlement of transactions with merchants.

TNG is committed to revolutionising the way consumers shop and pay by providing the most convenient and affordable electronic wallet services for corporate and individual users.  At the same time, TNG continues to leverage its cutting-edge technology by optimising its next generation electronic payment system to create a more efficient and convenient lifestyle for users, taking Hong Kong’s fintech and e-payment industries to a higher level.  Step Forward with TNG.

For details, stay connected with:
TNG website:
Facebook Fan Page:

TNG Wallet香港人的電子錢包2.0大突破


香港人的電子錢包TNG Wallet
於月前正式登陸的士業界,使其聲名大噪,獲得廣大市民的大力支持。繼於運輸業界大展拳腳後,TNG電子錢包並沒有放慢發展步伐,最近取得多個世界性金融科技公司大奬,令香港人再次感到驕傲;是次TNG電子錢包正式宣佈推出2.0版本,於轉帳、提款、增值及消費各方面作出突破性發展,誓擔當香港電子支付行業的先行者角色。是次版本主要分成三大範疇,包括增設全天候「現金提款熱點」、「銀行轉帳」、「信用卡增值」服務,實施TNG會員制 。

破天荒增設超過27個全天候現金提款熱點 讓用戶提取現金應急
TNG電子錢包的推出其中一大宗旨為推動香港實現「無現鈔」的夢想,但與此同時亦明白現時香港仍有眾多市民或商店倚賴現金交易,故宣佈由即日起推出現金提款服務,使TNG至尊會員可以TNG電子錢包到提款熱點提取現金作不同用途。TNG於今月與第一國際資源有限公司﹙First International Resources Ltd.﹚及裕新找換有限公司﹙Unison Foreign Exchange Ltd.﹚達成合作,使TNG至尊會員可於兩間公司旗下共27間分店提取TNG電子錢包內的款項,每日現金提款上限為港幣$5萬元。第一兌換店絕大部份分店每天的營業時間超過10小時,方便TNG至尊會員於一星期七天皆可提取電子錢包內的款項,而且分店多設於鐵路沿線,非常方便。TNG至尊會員只需憑TNG電子錢包到提款熱點,以手機掃描相對金額的二維碼﹙QR Code﹚及輸入交易密碼後便能成功提款,過程方便快捷。


實施TNG會員制 用戶享受更無限制

TNG行政總裁江慶恩先生認為TNG會員制度可令不同需要的用戶可選擇不同的服務,「TNG建立的會員制度靈活性極高,用戶可按自己需要,自由選擇會藉及服務。此外,TNG亦會不時推出不同優惠予會員,令 TNG用戶有更佳體驗。」

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除了「銀行轉帳」服務外,登記成為TNG尊貴會員或至尊會員後,還可以設定同名信用卡帳戶作為增值渠道。為了提供更多更方便的增值方法,由即日起TNG尊貴會員或至尊會員可申請連結其同名的信用卡﹙只適用於香港發行之VISA Card及MasterCard﹚至TNG電子錢包,申請確認後便可隨時隨地以信用卡作增值。TNG行政總裁江慶恩先生認為新增信用卡作為TNG電子錢包增值的渠道可更方便用戶:「TNG尊貴會員或至尊會員可透過手機辦理登記手續,而用戶更可連結多於一張信用卡作增值用途,相信可解決眾多用戶的燃眉之急。」


擴大服務版圖 商戶覆蓋大型連鎖集團及慈善機構


TNG行政總裁江慶恩先生直言一直非常期待TNG電子錢包2.0的推出,「TNG電子錢包面世至今只有短短8個月,但一直持續加強現有服務及推出新功能 。TNG電子錢包2.0的推出更加貼近用戶需要,無論會員制度、服務覆蓋率以至提款、增值及轉帳的功能皆有大幅度提升。我們希望全新的TNG電子銀包2.0能於未來成為每名港人隨身的必需品。」




TNG致力為企業以及個人用戶提供最便捷而且價格相宜的電子支付平台,以求為現時的流動付款消費模式揭開革命性的一頁。與此同時,公司領先的技術亦將致力為新世代的電子付款時代出一分力,為用戶帶來更有效而便利的生活方式,並且帶領香港,走得更前﹙Step Forward

[1] 詳見金管局持牌銀行列表,
[2] 視乎個別銀行及商戶結算時間

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Alibaba Group Co-hosts Technology Forum with Hong Kong PolyU

Alibaba Group Co-hosts Technology Forum with Hong Kong PolyU

Above Photo: Dr. Jingren ZHOU, Vice President of Alibaba Group, discussed key  trends in big data and cloud computing at Alibaba Technology Forum in Hong Kong.

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Hong Kong, June 17, 2016
-Alibaba Group and Hong Kong Polytechnic University hosted a technology forum for nearly 300 students today to discuss key opportunities, trends and challenges in big data and cloud computing. The Technology Forum covered topics including innovations in elastic computing, machine learning and big data development, and how these innovations can address a range of different business needs and challenges.

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(From left to right): Dr. Jingren ZHOU, Vice President of Alibaba Group, presented gift to Professor Alex Wai, Vice President (Research Development) of Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr. Jingren ZHOU, Vice President of Alibaba Group, presented an overview of Alibaba’s innovative Big Data Computing Platform (BDCP), which consists of a wide range of products and services which enable fast and efficient big data development.

Since its establishment in 2009, Alibaba’s BDCP has expanded its coverage from China to US, Europe, Middle East and South East Asia, with more than 8,000 developers and over 1,500 applications. BDCP’s technology not only supports Alibaba’s internal businesses but also provides services to enterprise customers worldwide.

Dr. Zhou also demonstrated how BDCP utilizes data visualization, making it useful for a wide variety of industries, including transportation, healthcare, water conservancy and human gene analysis.

“Alibaba Cloud’s big data and cloud computing technologies are not only contributing an enormous amount to the ongoing development of the wider technology industry, but also empowering enterprises in various sectors such as finance, energy, gaming, entertainment, healthcare and education. Today’s forum allows us to showcase these world-class tools to help inspire students to become the technology leaders of tomorrow,” said Dr. Zhou. “To us, supporting future talent is as important as growing the cloud computing ecosystem, and we’re delighted to be doing both.”

At the same event, Dr. Wei CHU, Director of Engineering, Alibaba Cloud, introduced the Distributed Machine Learning Platform and its applications – also known as Platform of Artificial Intelligence (PAI). PAI supports customers by providing complete solutions for various business scenarios including advertising, search and finance. Dr. Xianglong HUANG, Director of Engineering, Alibaba Cloud, shared his insights on the evolving virtualization techniques in elastic computing and the future roadmap for helping more enterprise users. In addition, Dr. Qian Zhengping, Staff Engineer of Alibaba Cloud, shared the latest development of real-time computing, and how it facilitates increasing demand for applications such as online payment and traffic monitoring.

This event is part of the Alibaba Technology Forum (ATF), which is an annual event organized by Alibaba Group. Previous editions of the Alibaba Technology Forum (ATF) have been held at Stanford University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Peking University and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

About Alibaba Cloud
Established in September 2009, Alibaba Cloud (, Alibaba Group’s cloud computing arm, develops highly scalable platforms for cloud computing and data management. It provides a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services to support participants of Alibaba Group’s online and mobile commerce ecosystem, including sellers and other third-party customers and businesses. Alibaba Cloud is a business within Alibaba Group.


Industry 4.0: New Frontiers for Manufacturing

Industry 4.0: New Frontiers for Manufacturing

Industry 4.0 is not only about computers and automation, it applies to Cyber Physical System and Industry Operations.  Both Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud computing are necessary in order to progress to Industry 4.0:


Gerald Wong, CEO of Cambridge Industries Group, the company was incepted in 2005 as a boostrapped startup, is in the ICT industry, innovation driven, and R&D intensive.

CIG – Shanghai, China and Santa Clara, CA:

R&D in telecom access products:
– Optical (fiber to the home)
– Wireless (Wi-Fi systems and LTE femtocells)
– Home switches and IoT gateway devices

R&D in manufacturing technologies:
– Industry Information Technologies
– Industry Automation Technologies

He highlighted the four driving forces for the Evolution to Industry 4.0.

  1. Strategic Directions: Industry 4.0, Manufacture 2025, etc.
  2. Innovations and Technologies: Automation Technologies, Industry Information Technologies, Other Advanced Technologies, etc.
  3. Operational and Practical: Staying Competitive, Overcoming Cost Challenges, Overcoming Labor Challenges, etc.
  4. The Profound Impact on the Future: Corporate Social Responsibilities, People’s Desires for Quality of Life and Quality of Work, etc.

In the internet era, the competition between countries and companies continue to become more intense, competing on various kinds of costs and overall efficiency.  The desire for “Mass Customization” may arise, as high manufacturing agility and flexibility are required. Labour issues may happen, robots may replace some human jobs, unemployment rate may increase eventually.

For example, the labour costs in Shanghai increased 110% in the last 8 years, industry 4.0 can reduce the variable costs for factories while fix costs is required for installation of machineries.  This is attractive as factories are willing to have a higher net profit in future financial statements.

In Industry 4.0, we have:
– Autonomous Robots, Automation integrated
– CPS – IIoT Connected, Wireless Data Acquisition
– Cloud Computing
– Big Data Analytics
– Cyber Security
– Simulation (“Digital Twin”)
– Augmented Reality (VR for manufacturing)

which have a profound impact, as the new industry revolution is unavoidable, efficiency and quality have significantly improved, and so is the positioning for global manufacturing.



Weiping Huang, the Chairman of Qingdao Hisense Broadband Multimedia Technologies, discussed the progression of microelectronics – transistors’ density have been increasing for the past 40 years.  Besides, Vertical Integration Strategy is commonly used by technology companies, he says that many companies involved are in more than one stage of production. His company handles the whole production process, i.e. from Chip to Box.  The Photonics Value-Chain contains Chip, TO, OSA, Module, Box, mastering this value-chain can make the production process more efficient with lower production costs.


Chia-Peng Day, General Manager of Automation Technology Development Committee, Foxconn, introduced System Integrated Robots for Assembly.  The flexible automated assembly line is combined by a family of small robots, Integrated machine vision, Smart tools & grippers for small parts assembly, Precision Parts feeders & fixtures and Precision workpiece transport platform.  China is progressing towards a new initiative – “Made in China 2025” – transforming the country into an advanced manufacturing powerhouse, it requires fast development in three major technologies: Cloud, Big Data and IoT.  


Duncan Turner, Managing Director of HAX states that Shenzhen is a good place for technology innovation as the place has a large talent pool of engineers.  Besides, he also mentioned that technology is embedded everywhere,  the new trend for wearable devices is that they are capable of detecting body movements.


Applying Internet of Things to Health Science

Applying Internet of Things to Health Science

I have the privilege to attend EmTech Hong Kong 2016 on June 7 and 8.  The event is organised by MIT Technology Review and Koelnmesse.  It covers some of the most important emerging technologies including robotics, blockchains, mobile technology and manufacturing 4.0.  Many of the speakers are founders of start-ups who are eager to bring advanced technology to the mass market.  What particularly excites me is that several speakers are from the health care industry.  From them I see a convergence of internet of things and health care that will have significant impact on our quality of life.

A body is nothing but a giant machine, connected by neurones, controlled by electrical signals generated by the brain.  Prof. Charles Sodini from MIT is researching technologies to monitor electrical signals from our brain, our heart and blood vessels.  The major advantage is that the technologies are non-intrusive.  By placing small sensors on our bodies, the hospital or medical centres can monitor our body functioning on a continuous and real time basis.  Combined with the advance in data analytics, many fatal diseases can be prevented.  Better cure can be invented.  Currently we have wearables like Apple Watch and Fitbit.  But their application is quite limited.  Imagine a world that you body is monitored by medical professionals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Prevention is allays better than cure.




Sleeping disorder is a major problem to many people.  However, the problems are often hard to detect as it requires a monitoring of a patient’s sleep pattern and it can only be done at a dedicated facility.  Shazam Gollakota, co-founder of Jeeva Wireless, discusses using your mobile phone to monitor your sleep.  By sending out a low frequency signal from your mobile phone, your phone can actually function as a motion sensor.  Again, then the data can be sent directly to medical centre for diagnosis.

With an ageing population, there has been a big push to develop bionics/exoskeletions that can help seniors to walk and move better.  Japan and Germany are leaders in this field.  In japan, the technology is deemed essential as they face a declining population and the Government wants to extend the working age of their people as much as possible.  In the US, exoskeleton development is  heavily funded by the military with the goal of creating better soldiers.  However, while exoskeleton is already here, it is quite expensive.  Homayoon Kazerooni, Founder and CEO of suitX, has a passion to apply the technology to not only the seniors, but those workers involved in heavy lifting and to the disabled.  While the technology is developed in the US, the manufacturing is done in Shanghai.  By lowering the manufacturing cost, it is hoped that more people can enjoy the benefits.  I am particularly impressed by Mr. Kazerooni because like me, he was an ex-academic.  Mr. Kazeronni shows the successful transition from academic to business.




Technology is always disruptive.  It strives to cut cost and improve efficiency.  It cuts out the middle persons.  Health care is certainly ready to be transformed by technology.


Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and the Implications for the Enterprise

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and the Implications for the Enterprise

EmTech (MIT Technology Review) Conference invited interesting speakers from Baidu’s Institute of Deep Learning (IDL), Insights Robotics, Universal Robotics, and In The Making:

Mike North

Mike North, the Host of In The Making, presented the BOOMcast, it is an Internet of Things 3D Printed leg cast with embedded electronics that allow doctors to monitor the leg’s physical state from anywhere in the world.

The following technologies are used:

  • 3D-printed body and functional ratcheting straps (FDM Nylon 12 for impact strength and durability)
  • Sole of cast built in PolyJet multi-materials (rigid substructure with rubber-like cushioning)
  • Custom fit from digital body scan (FARO ScanArm)
  • Bluetooth-enabled speakers by Boombotix 
  • Intel Edison (WiFi-enabled) powered by SparkFun, Adafruit, and Arduino
  • Gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer
  • Force sensitive resistors
  • Real-time data transfer to the cloud
  • Multi-color LED feedback
  • Hardware inserts
  • Additive manufacturing equipment used include Fortus 900mc and Objet500 Connex3

The BOOMcast leg cast is removable, lightweight, and robust as it will expand to cater for swelling that happens during commercial flights.

Esben H. Østergaard

Esben H. Østergaard, Founder and CTO of Universal Robots, stated that the revenue of the robot market doubles every year, implying that the use of robots in production is alot more common than before.  He also discussed the history of robotics, from the 3rd Century BC’s Philo of Byzantium, Washstand Automation, Year 1092’s The Cosmic Engine and Clock Tower, to the first real Collaborative Robot in 2009.   The industrial revolution created a gap in manufacturing as the human aspect is now missing.  The effects of the Industrial Revolution are two-folds:

Mass Customization
– Making products not on a massive scale, but in a customized or personalized manner.
– Items suited to small number of users.

–  In order for a country to get income, it must export.  It is not enough to export knowledge.  We need to export knowledge embedded in products.

To close the gap, the next Industrial Revolution would be us wanting human knowledge, creativity, and customer understanding to be embedded in the products we produce.

Rex Sham

Rex Sham, Co-Founder and Chief Science Officer of Insight Robotics, introduced his robot which can be used to detect forest wildfires.  In the past, forest fire watch was performed by human beings working at watchtowers, through closed-circuit television surveillance, and automatic smoke detectors.  However, these methods could lead to alert delays, or simply too costly for detecting countrywide forest fires.

In this respect, Rex developed a Heat-Based Detection Solution, which uses thermal imaging cameras and sensors mounted on UAVs, Satellites and terrestrial robots.  He used satellites to improve detection accuracy and his methods were thoroughly tested.  His product was copied by many factories but no one could copy well, because his robots have self-learning capabilities.

Kai Yu

Kai Yu, Founder and Chief Executive at Horizon Robotics, Founder of Baidu’s Institute of Deep Learning (IDL) expressed his views on the revolution of AI.  He suggested that AI nowadays has entered a new era, it is both physical and virtual, as if a new type of species has emerged, AI is not an extension of human capabilities but can make decisions automatically.  He highlighted that robots need APIs to connect with Vision, Speech, Language, Control and Deep Neural Nets platforms.  His product is a Pedestrian Detection System which can identify cars and humans separately in crowded scenes using only single deep neural network.

It is believed that by 2025, everyone will have on average 10 smart devices.  In other words, we will be surrounded by more than 60 billion smart devices.  Presumably each device needs a brain that has an on-device part and a cloud part, this results in a market of 100 billion USD.

Immersive Experiences that Defy Reality

Immersive Experiences that Defy Reality

Rise Conference 2016, 31/5 13.20-13.45, Machine Stage
Min-Liang Tan (Razor), Edward Tang (Avergant), Regina Tan (Bloomberg)

There is a revolution happening in immersive content and entertainment. From virtual to augmented reality users can jump into new worlds either entirely or while keeping a foot in the real world. Razer is backing an open-source approach in an attempt to become the Android of VR, while Avegant’s Glyph has been referred to as a home theatre that attaches to one’s face.

Immersive Experiences that defy Reality

My favourite tagline lately is, “Perception is reality”.

Virtual Reality is not just about wearing a giant goggle to play video games. Virtual reality is about living in your world of choice. If Mickey Mouse is about making the dream come true, then Disney World theme parks are about the immersive experience in such dream. Avatar is taking this concept to the next level: plugging a cord into your body, so that you can control an Avatar drone and live in the Avatar world. The Avatar World is so real that your identity in such world overshadows that in the reality. Which world is reality, anyways, when one has a stronger identity in one over another?

How about the movie Inception, in which you could just sleep tight and travel to another reality as you wish? You had a choice to stay in your dream, or wake up. You if you choose to stay in the dream forever, you are in coma in essence.

Technology advances are making the virtual reality more real. Is it good or bad? One example quoted in the discussion was, if the VR device is creating a cliff so real that, when in virtual world you walk towards that cliff, your fear accumulates. Would the fear create a lasting psychological effect after you take off the VR device?

On a positive note, Inside Out is one of my favourite movie. Isn’t love about creating lasting joyful experiences for your loved ones? How about taking your loved ones for a virtual journey together? When virtual reality of one is connected to another, and different people can interact, how about a virtual tour together to navigate the ocean with Nemo?

Can Connected Cars Drive Change?

Can Connected Cars Drive Change?

Rise Conference 2016, Machine Stage
Rafay Khan, INRIX; Joseph Waring, Mobile World Live

What if you could take data gathered from 275 million vehicles to generate the best real-time information in the world of drivers? INRIX is working with the biggest car manufacturers around to do just this. CRO Rafay Khan gets under the hood of the traffic problems he thinks machine learning can fix.

Can Connected Cars Drive Change

With over 10-years of experience in connected automobiles industry, Rafay started off on delivering traffic and congestion information. In particular, Rafay looked into location based services such as parking; as well as road safety, using data collected from running cars to develop real time analytics.

How does it work? Imagine all the cars running around are equipped with sensors, and they have become your eyes and ears round the city. First application would be predicting road condition in response to weather. With temperature and humidity sensors installed on windshield wipers and car bodies, we could build a live temperature map and humidity map with up to half-mile accuracy.

Secondly, braking information. If cars ahead are using ABS braking, we can tell there is a situation ahead. Together with other sensors on the chassis, we can create algorithms to analyse data pattern to identify poor road conditions such as gravel, flood, icy roads, snow etc. This has wide ranging applications in the markets like the US and Germany.

“When people go wide, we go deep,” Rafay illustrated his strategy, “we are working with all the major auto makers like BMW, Toyota / Lexus, Porsche, Audi, Ford. How about privacy issues? “we may anonymize the data.”

How does Rafay roll out the business? “we first target truck companies as their tracking systems are well built. There are plenty of data already. Eventually we shall move to consumer market.”

On autonomous driving, Rafay is making a long stride, too. “We believe autonomous driving can ensure safety, and reduce congestion. INRIX provides real time data analytics. We get data from 250k – 270k devices every minute. 0.8 gigabyte of data is collected every day. We used aggregation learning technique to analyse the data real time and predict conditions of the road a couple miles ahead.”

Traffic monitoring bodes well with smart cities initiative worldwide. Most mature cities do not have room to increase road space. Therefore, traffic monitoring and routing becomes essential. INRIX has signed contracts with Denmark and Dubai, installing GPS probe sensors on the road to improve traffic monitoring capabilities. Related to that, data analytics that help to find parking is also a hot spot. “In most cities during the rush hours, up to 30% of the road traffic is looking for parking. The government wanted to get the tools as much as the drivers.”

Do we see room for connected automobiles industry to consolidate? “Not yet. There is new company for new services. There will be limited consolidation.”

What are other areas of growth? “Infotainment in the car.”


Ethically Integrating Machines into Society

Ethically Integrating Machines into Society

Ethically integrating machines into society
Rise Conference 2016, Machine Stage
Nell Watson, Singularity University

Humans can easily lead machines astray. Singularity’s Neil Watson says this is just one consideration as our society increasingly integrates autonomous machines. She’ll unveil a new project revolving around an ethical framework that’s easily understandable by both humans and machines and aims to let humans guide machines to make better decisions.

Ethically Integrating Machines into Society

Cognitive capability is not confined in the brain. There is also the “gut instinct”, or the interior nervous system. For humans, it refers to the eyes, spine and the guts. Recall last time how your gut feels when you saw something discomforting. Fishes can recognize the floor of the sea, and before the tides go out, the fishes can go. So yes fishes do have more than five seconds of memory, in this way. Crows can be trained to, and so can chimps or even ants experience their Eureka moments. Much of this cognitive capability can be taught by reinforcement learning.

Such cognitive capability is not just the gift for mammals, but for others too. Worms can map-out the surroundings. Plants got no brains but are adaptive to light and moisture. If we can accept that consciousness is not an on-off switch, but a dial, are we so sure that we are smart enough to know how animals are? How could we make assumptions on how animal behaviour resemble that of human?

Peter Singer’s Personism philosophy has its grounds. Animals can be human like. In legal world we have the notion of corporate persons too, which doesn’t even have flesh and blood.

So if a degree of personhood is expressed, can machines become persons one day? For instance, Open Worm, the world’s first digital lifeform, has over 320 “neurons”, and it has the necessary cognitive capabilities to navigate.

Isn’t that how human baby learn about the world?

We have to realize that digital offspring is coming to the world. How are we going to treat them? Untrained machines would tell the emperor that he is not wearing any clothes. This is inhuman as it does not care about human feelings. How are we going to treat them? Are we going to keep them in custody, or instead, treat machines like our dogs and condition them with care?

Are we playing the role of God? One day, people are changing from creators to curators. Nell believes we shall be teaching machines ethics, as she co-founded OpenEth, an ‘ethical explication engine’ that aims to crowdsource ethical heuristics for autonomous systems. She would like to specify scenarios to teach machines ethics.

One day, we may not just be teaching machine ethics, but also love. “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved, just to love and be loved”, Eden Abez.

Wearable Tech as Fashion Articles

Wearable Tech as Fashion Articles

Rise Conference 2016, 31/5, Machine Stage
Sonny Vu (Fossil Group), Barbara Minuzzi (Investhaus and IH Ventures)

Technology and fashion are overlapping like never before, with wearables being the most obvious example of this. Sonny Vu, who’s gone from the head of Misfit to Fossil, manages partnerships with a dozen-plus major fashion brands and describes how the link between the two worlds is necessary and beneficial.

Wearable tech as fashion articles

Sonny founded in 2011 Misfit a technology start up on wearables. Unlike Jawbone and Fitbit who try to launch their own techy-looking product, Misfit took a different-route – partnering with traditional fashion brands, Speedo and Swarovski to name a few. Misfit raised about $63 million in venture capital in three rounds of funding. Investors included Xiaomi, GGV Capital,, Horizons Ventures, as well as Founders Fund, Khosla Ventures and Norwest Venture Partners. In 2015 Fossil Group bought Misfit for $260 million. “Imagine how 200+ engineers and cloud technicians are working side by side with Swiss watchmaking craftsmen. How cool is that marriage!” Sonny joined Fossil after the merger, taking the wearable product niches to over twenty Fossil operates brands like Michael Kors, Armani, Kate Spade, Diesel, DKNY etc. In 2016 Fossil is launching 100 wearables across eight brands.

Fossil has sold over 50 million “connected” watches and accessories, in which 35 million are watches. How come Fossil succeeded in wearables while some other brands are struggling? “Two reasons. First, Fossil’s brands and Misfit team have a shared interest to make wearables relevant, fashionable. Second, we have a goal of getting the best in both worlds, to have wearables changing the personal lives.”

Wearables is no longer just a plastic strap of flashing lights on your wrist. It can be fashion. “People want things much more wearable but doesn’t look like wearable technology.” Sonny’s team is leading the effort to combine great fashion brands and technology know-how, solving the pain points such as charging the device. Traditional fashion items do not require charging. Can we make wearables free from charging? “Very difficult. How about charging the device two times a week? Not great unless it has a lot of benefit. How about six months of battery life? Fossil is already there.”

“Fashion is customization, it is about self-expression, which is very difficult from consumer electronics perspective.” Sonny elaborated. “A successful tech start-up may launch a few products a year at best. In the fashion world, it produces a few dozen new products a year.” The key of success for wearable fashion is “staying culturally relevant.”

We are no stranger to “sports and performance” wearables, which have activity trackers that are used during workouts. At best we may wear it three hours a day. However, “some people just want things that fits their lifestyle. How about wearing it 21 hours a day instead of 3?” Sonny believes wearable fashion has to be broad reaching. There are mainly three categories of wrist wearables: fitness bands and trackers, display smartwatches, and hybrid smartwatches that looks like traditional watch but connected. “For men, there is always room for luxury watches like Rolex. People who pay $100k+ for watch don’t just buy it for telling the time. These watches can be connected and stay relevant. However, that just reach less than 1% of the mass market. We target watches of price range $50-$100. The mass market. This is where stories are to be told.”

How about wearables for women? “It has a very high bar. Wearables on the body is for self-expression. Over last few years we are getting better at this.”

And kids wearables? “Some products have appeal, but this segment is difficult in general. How do you keep these devices to stay on the bodies?”


MIT Technology Review’s Flagship Event Inaugurates in Hong Kong

MIT Technology Review’s Flagship Event Inaugurates in Hong Kong

The showcase for the emerging technologies with the greatest potential to change our lives.

7 June 2016 – Hong Kong – The inaugural EmTech Hong Kong opens today at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC).  Organised by MIT Technology Review and Koelnmesse Pte Ltd, the event brings together over 400 C-level business leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs and change-makers in Asia and across the globe, to network and do business over a period of two days.

The conference features 40 local and international speakers who are innovators at the heart of the technology revolution, an exhibition and a networking reception which will feature the launch of the MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node.

The Honourable John C Tsang, GBM, JP, Financial Secretary of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, will officiate the event with an opening address on Hong Kong’s role in nurturing emerging technologies and innovation to improve lives and make a difference.

The five key themes of EmTech Hong Kong include Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and their implication on businesses; Industry 4.0: New Frontiers for Manufacturing; Future Cities: Rethinking Urban Environments; FinTech: Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and the Future of Money; and HealthTech: Technologies to Assist an Ageing Population.

Experts from the tech community speaking at EmTech Hong Kong include:
– Charles G. Sodini, LeBel Professor EECS, MIT
– Chia-Peng Day, General Manager – Automation Technology Development Committee, Foxconn
– Dennis Lo, Director, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
– Esben H Østergaard, CTO & Founder, Universal Robots
– Gerald Wong, CEO, Cambridge Industries Group
– Kent Larson, Director, MIT City Science Initiative and Director, Changing Places, MIT Media Lab
– Jason Hsu, Advisory Committee Member on Innovation & Education at Prime Minister’s Office, Executive Yuan, Taiwan Government
– Jason Pontin, Editor in Chief and Publisher, MIT Technology Review
– Kai Yu, Founder and Chief Executive at Horizon Robotics, Founder of Baidu’s Institute of Deep Learning (IDL)
– Michael Sung, Managing Director, CarbonBlue Innovations & Adjunct Associate Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
– Sean O’Sullivan, Managing Director, SOSV
– Steven Chu, Chief Strategy Officer, Huawei
– Tim Swanson, Head of Market Research, R3-CEV
– Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder, Ethereum Foundation
– Weiping Huang, Chairman, Qingdao Hisense Broadband Multimedia Technologies
– Wong Ming Yam, Chairman, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI)
– Yasheng Huang, Professor of Global Economics and Management, Associate Dean for International Programs and Action Learning, MIT Sloan School of Management

Key event partners include Host partner Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), Innovation partner The University of Hong Kong and Strategic partners InvestHK, StartmeupHK, MIT Professional Education, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

For more information, please visit



EmTech Hong Kong strengthens line-up with more Renowned Speakers

EmTech Hong Kong strengthens line-up with more Renowned Speakers

financial secretary2How we innovate today will shape the way we live in the future. On 7 June, EmTech Hong Kong will be inaugurated by the Honourable John C Tsang, GBM, JP and Financial Secretary of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, who will address Hong Kong’s role in nurturing emerging technology to improve lives.

Dr. Frank Tong, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI and EmTech Hong Kong’s Host Partner, is looking forward to the conference:

“ASTRI is proud and delighted to be the host partner of MIT Technology Review’s EmTech Hong Kong. We believe that EmTech Hong Kong will serve as a great platform for ASTRI to showcase our R&D competence spanning from FinTech, Next Generation Network, Intelligent Manufacturing, Medical and Health to Smart City. It will also provide a great opportunity for R&D talents to converge and explore collaboration opportunities. In short, we are very excited about this forthcoming event.”Over two days, speakers at EmTech Hong Kong will address five key themes that will impact our lives. These themes include Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and their implication on businesses; New Frontiers for Manufacturing; Future Cities; Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and the Future of Money and Technologies to assist an ageing population.

Key speakers on Day One include Danny Yeung, Chief Executive Officer of Prenetics, who will be sharing insight into innovative bio-testing technologies; while Duncan Turner, Managing Director of HAX will be discussing Why Shenzhen is the Silicon Valley of Hardware and Yasheng Huang, Professor of Global Economics and Management at MIT Sloan School of Management will talk about the Economic Growth and Innovation Imperative in China in a special session that focuses on growth and innovation in China  and Hong Kong.

The sessions on Day Two will kick-off with a fireside chat with SOSV’s Sean O’Sullivan who will share his insights on innovation and how he identifies emerging technologies with potential. This will be followed by an Infinite Energy session where Vladimir Bulović, Associate Dean for Innovation, MIT School of Engineering, MIT, will present MIT’s ONE Lab’s key breakthroughs and Leslie Dewan, Founder and CEO of Transatomic Power will discuss Using Nuclear Waste as a Safe, Clean and Scalable Source of Electricity.

Professor T S Andy Hor, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) at The University of Hong Kong and EmTech’s Innovation Partner views the conference as a testament to Hong Kong’s strength as an innovation hub: “The University of Hong Kong (HKU) is delighted to be an innovation partner of MIT Technology Review’s EmTech Hong Kong. The future of Hong Kong is full of challenges and opportunities, especially in the areas of ageing population, financial technologies, smart living, automation and advanced manufacturing. The themes at EmTech Hong Kong synergise and complement HKU’s research areas which have strong innovation potential. The University is always looking for collaborative opportunities with the private sector and EmTech Hong Kong provides us with good opportunities to meet new partners.”


Find us on: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn with the official event hashtag, #EmTechHK

MIT Technology Review’s Conference on Emerging Technology, EmTech, Inaugurates in Hong Kong, June 2016

MIT Technology Review’s Conference on Emerging Technology, EmTech, Inaugurates in Hong Kong, June 2016


  • 30 international speakers to speak on innovation and emerging technologies
  • Themed: The Future of Technology. Today
  • Spotlight on technologies that improve the way we live

Technology is fast-changing every aspect of our lives; from the way we work and live to how we manage money and how we care for our aged. Themed “The Future of Technology. Today.”, the inaugural EmTech Hong Kong conference will spotlight emerging technologies that aim to improve the way we live. Held from 7 to 8 June 2016 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 30 global innovators that represent the tech world’s most visionary leaders will speak at the conference.

Jason Pontin, Editor in Chief and Publisher, MIT Technology Review (right), reasons why the event is held in Hong Kong:

“Over the past few years, we have seen Hong Kong and itssurrounding areas growing significantly as an incubator for startups and innovative enterprises. EmTech Hong Kong aims to facilitate innovators and startups by giving them a voice as well as a platform for engagement. The event will also witness the launch of the MIT Innovation Node in Hong Kong, an incredible MIT initiative offering opportunities for MIT and Hong Kong students to take their ideas to impact.”

Organized by Koelnmesse Pte Ltd and MIT Technology Review, EmTech Hong Kong 2016 expects to attract over 400 participants from the Asia Pacific region and beyond. Key speakers include:

  • Charles Sodini, LeBel Professor EECS, MIT
  • Fiona Murray, Associate Dean for Innovation MIT Sloan School of Management
  • Kent Larson, Director, MIT City Science Initiative and Director, Changing Places, MIT Media Lab
  • Sean O’Sullivan, Managing Director, SOSV
  • Esben H. Østergaard, CTO & Founder, Universal Robots
  • Dennis Lo, Director, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Homayoon Kazerooni, Founder & CEO, SuitX and Director, Berkeley Robotics & Human Engineering Lab
  • Ming Chan, Executive Director, Ethereum Foundation
  • Richard Socher, Founder of MetaMind
  • Shyam Gollakota, Co-Founder of Jeeva Wireless


Hong Kong’s rising startups and scientists, including Prenetics, a company specializing in pharmacogenomics; Insight Robotics, which pioneers intelligent threat detection; Prof Dennis Lo, whose studies on liquid biopsy could revolutionize the early detection of cancer; Cesar Harada, founder of MakerBay, whose Protei shape shifting and sailing robot can explore and protect the ocean with open source technologies and Manav Gupta, Chief Executive Officer of Brinc, an Internet of Things startup accelerator, will also share their perspectives and breakthroughs with delegates.

“Hong Kong is widely recognised as a flourishing international business centre and a gateway to Mainland China, especially the Pearl River Delta region. Promoting Hong Kong as one of the world’s fastest-growing technology and startup hubs is a major thrust for us, together with attracting global tech talent. We want to continue to attract the best and brightest,” Charles Ng, Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion at InvestHK, said.

Key partners of EmTech Hong Kong include InvestHK, StartmeupHK, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks, Cyberport, Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Innovation and Technology Development Office and MIT Professional Education. As part of the event, MIT Professional Education will host a pre-event one day workshop on 6 June, led exclusively by MIT experts Dr Kent Larson and Dr Ryan Chin.


Find us on: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn with the official event hashtag, #EmTechHK

Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund Announces Investments in 3 Early-Stage Hong Kong Companies

Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund Announces Investments in 3 Early-Stage Hong Kong Companies

The Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund (the “Fund”), a not-for-profit initiative of Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE: BABA), which was set up last November to support entrepreneurs in Hong Kong, today announced the selection of three early-stage companies as the first batch of companies to receive minority investments from the Fund.

The three companies are YEECHOO, Shopline and GoGoVan. YEECHOO operates an online designer apparel rental business; Shopline provides cloud-based computing solutions for small and medium-sized companies to launch and manage ecommerce operations; and GoGoVan offers intra-city logistics services through a real-time platform that connects customers with a network of delivery service providers. The three companies are based in Hong Kong with significant local operations.

Mr. Joe Tsai, executive vice president of Alibaba Group and board director of Alibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund, said “These companies embrace technology to create value for the society, and we are excited to work with them and help them grow their businesses with resources available from the Fund and Alibaba Group.  The entrepreneurs behind these companies also exemplify the entrepreneurial spirit in Hong Kong.  We look forward to supporting more aspiring entrepreneurs in Hong Kong in the future.”

In addition to funding, the companies will have the opportunity to leverage resources from Alibaba’s Group’s vibrant ecosystem in order to scale and accelerate the expansion into other markets.

Since November 2015, the Fund has received more than 200 applications from entrepreneurs whose companies were in different stages of development.  The three companies were selected after several rounds of management interviews and extensive due diligence reviews.  The Fund will continue to look for promising entrepreneurs and engaging them through discussion of their business plans.

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(From left to right): Hong Kong Entrepreneurs – Shan Shan, co-founders of YEECHOO; Abby Zhan, co-founders of YEECHOO; Tony Wong, co-founder and CEO of Shopline; Fiona Lau, co-founder of Shopline; Steven Lam, founder of GoGoVan:

Image 2

(From left to right): Mrs. Cindy Chow, executive director of Alibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund; Mr. Joe Tsai, executive vice president of Alibaba Group and board director ofAlibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund; Dr. Allan Zeman (GBM, GBS, JP), board director ofAlibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund; Shan Shan, co-founders of YEECHOO; Abby Zhan, co-founders of YEECHOO; Tony Wong, co-founder and CEO of Shopline; Fiona Lau, co-founder of Shopline; Steven Lam, founder of GoGoVan; Mr. Bernard Chan, board director of Alibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund; Mr. Savio Kwan, board director of Alibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund:

Image 3

Mrs. Cindy Chow, executive director of the Fund, commented: “The response and overall enthusiasm from applicants from a wide range of sectors were very encouraging.  Over the past few months, we have been working closely with incubators and universities in Hong Kong to identify qualified entrepreneurs as we hope to be more supportive of the growth and expansion of startups in Hong Kong.”





Shan Shan and Abby Zhang, co-founders of YEECHOO, noted: “We see the partnership with Alibaba as a major milestone in YEECHOO’s expansion plan and are very excited about it.  It will enable synergies to be created between YEECHOO and other players in the Alibaba ecosystem.  With Alibaba’s strong support, YEECHOO will have a deeper impact across a wider audience as we promote a whole new lifestyle.  It will also help more and more Hong Kong women create fashionable experiences at an affordable cost.”



Tony Wong, co-founder and CEO of Shopline, said “We believe the Fund’s investment presents a huge opportunity for Shopline to learn fro the best.  Alibaba is the world’s largest e-commerce companies with expertise in payment, logistics, and cloud services that are all core to e-commerce.  This will help us strengthen our market positioning in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and fuel the next stage of our growth:


Steven Lam, founder of GoGoVan, said “With the Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund’s support, we look forward to growing our enterprise in Hong Kong to other markets and countries.  We aim to continue our MOVE IT business philosophy by leveraging resources of the Alibaba ecosystem to our advantage in the logistics sector.”


Parties interested in learning more about the investment program may visit for details.

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Alibaba Cloud Partners with SK Holdings C&C to Provide Cloud; Services to Korean and Chinese Companies

Alibaba Cloud Partners with SK Holdings C&C to Provide Cloud; Services to Korean and Chinese Companies

South Korea, April 27, 2016 – Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE: BABA), and Korea-based SK Holding C&C announced an agreement that furthers Alibaba Cloud’s strategy to provide sophisticated cloud-based solutions to accelerate the growth of global businesses in China and abroad.

SK Holdings will develop a stable, high-speed dedicated cloud portal in the Korean language for businesses operating in sectors such as gaming, online shopping and ICT (information and communications technology). The portal will monitor clients’ network and system 24/7 and provide infrastructure, resource allocation and management services using resources from Alibaba Cloud. The platform, which integrates cloud offerings from both Alibaba Cloud and SK Holdings C&C, will assist Korean companies to enter the China market while also benefiting Chinese companies in Korea.

Sicheng Yu, Vice President of Alibaba Cloud, said, “SK Holdings C&C is a well-respected ICT service provider in Korea, and we are proud to partner with them to extend our global footprint. We believe the collaboration will empower clients from both Alibaba Cloud and SK by offering them one global account through which they will enjoy reliable, fast-speed cloud services without borders.”

Kiyeol Lee, Finance & Cloud Business Group Head of SK Holdings C&C, said, “This partnership provides a fast track to China for Korean gaming and online shopping companies and small hidden champions. We will provide fast and convenient cloud services to Korean companies operating in China as well as Chinese firms operating in Korea.”

Users of the new portal will also enjoy access to cloud-based solutions developed by third-party ICT companies and start-ups in the forms of PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service).

This partnership lays a foundation for the two parties to cooperate on the recently announced “Create@Alibaba Cloud” initiative, which aims to champion the growth of start-ups in Asia and beyond through comprehensive network support and an innovative suite of cloud infrastructure services.

Alibaba Cloud Announces Plans for Strategic Partnership with SAP

Alibaba Cloud Announces Plans for Strategic Partnership with SAP

Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group today announced plans to enter into a strategic partnership with SAP China, with a goal of jointly delivering enterprise-class cloud computing services to companies in China. The alliance aims to accelerate the introduction and adoption of enterprise-class cloud computing across multiple industries to help businesses accelerate their digital transformation.

The partnership initially plans to focus on integrating the resources of Alibaba Cloud and SAP on the Alibaba Cloud platform. Businesses are expected to benefit from a versatile, one-stop-shop cloud computing environment that is enabled by Alibaba Cloud’s high-reliability and high-performance cloud infrastructure, SAP’s world-leading enterprise-class database and business application solutions and SAP’s software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings — all interoperating seamlessly.

Alibaba Cloud intends to collaborate with SAP to jointly market and deploy SAP HANA One and SAP’s SaaS solutions, enabling businesses to reap the benefits of SAP applications and Alibaba Cloud’s powerful cloud computing resources more conveniently.

Mark Gibbs, President of SAP Greater China said, “Alibaba Cloud is China’s leading public cloud platform, and SAP is deeply focused on deploying its cloud portfolio and services in China. Through this win-win partnership in the Cloud, we will collaboratively grow the ecosystem and bring more innovative cloud solutions to China market. Together, we will help enterprises to simplify their IT infrastructure, realize business value and accelerate digital transformation.”

Simon Hu, President of Alibaba Cloud said, “Alibaba Cloud is delighted to work with SAP on a strategic alliance that will help Chinese companies and businesses around the world in their transformation from Internet Technology (IT) to the emerging age of Data Technology (DT). Cloud computing has become the basis of a new economy based on data, driving technological innovations that push the traditional boundaries of business farther than ever before and creating greater value for all stakeholders. Together, Alibaba Cloud and SAP will seek to build a unified ecosystem that makes cloud computing more accessible to businesses and organizations everywhere and converts computing power into commercial benefit.”

Alibaba Cloud is one of the world’s leading cloud computing platforms, and China’s largest, with services covering more than 200 countries and regions. Alibaba Cloud provides cloud computing and big data services to more than 1.8 million users in the finance, transportation, genomics, medical and meteorological industries. In the course of service fulfilment Alibaba Cloud has handled challenging scenarios involving massive numbers of transactions with ease, including during the Tmall “Double 11” Global Shopping Festival and rail ticket sales for the Spring Festival on

Palo Alto Networks Extends Breach Prevention to the Cloud

Palo Alto Networks Extends Breach Prevention to the Cloud

New Functionality in PAN-OS Version 7.1 Delivers Universal Protection Across Multi-Cloud Environments and SaaS Applications

Hong Kong, April 13, 2016 – Palo Alto Networks® (NYSE: PANW), the next-generation security company, has announced advancements to its Next-Generation Security Platform that are designed to extend the breach prevention capabililties of the platform and address the security needs of businesses working with cloud-based environments and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications.

The demand for organizations to become ever more agile and competitive is driving a change in the way business applications are developed, deployed, and adopted. Workloads and data are increasingly distributed across physical and cloud computing environments. This changes the threat landscape and increases the risk of exposure to cyberattacks, which is compounded by the limitations of legacy security products that were not designed for this distributed, cloud-based infrastructure.

Palo Alto Networks has addressed these challenges, and many more, in PAN-OS® 7.1. This version of the operating system extends the breach prevention capabilities of the security platform to all major clouds and provides visibility, control, and threat prevention designed to protect customer data regardless of where it resides. Additionally, among the new features are certificate and two-factor authentication advancements that help protect user credentials or neutralize them if they are stolen.

“As organizations continue to embrace the cloud and SaaS for workloads and data, it’s crucial that security solutions keep pace. The capabilities introduced in this new release of PAN-OS provide scalable visibility, control, and threat prevention and offers the deployment flexibility required by today’s distributed organizations and their employees.” – Jeff Wilson, senior research director and advisor, cybersecurity, IHS Technology

“Enterprises require consistent security regardless of where their applications reside. The latest release of PAN-OS addresses new challenges presented by the cloud, enabling organizations to take advantage of agile cloud-based infrastructure and applications while maintaining a consistent security posture.” – Lee Klarich, EVP, product management at Palo Alto Networks

Many of the more than 50 features delivered in PAN-OS 7.1 will help customers:

  • Secure Any Cloud – By adding Microsoft® Azure™ and Hyper-V support for the Palo Alto Networks VM-Series and by enhancing VM-Series auto-scaling support in AWS, organizations can achieve a scalable security architecture that enables consistent prevention measures to be deployed from the network, to the public and private cloud, and to the remote user.
  • Embrace SaaS – With the release of PAN-OS 7.1 and the newest update to Aperture, Palo Alto Networks adds to its extensive SaaS application capabilities to safely enable Office 365™ deployments.
  • Accelerate Preventative Action With Threat Intelligence – With new capabilities supported in the WildFire™ threat prevention and AutoFocus™ threat intelligence services, and PAN-OS, organizations can discover zero-day malware targeting the Mac® OS X® platform and prevent attacks with the global WildFire feed, now published every five minutes. PAN-OS 7.1 now fully supports Mac OS X signatures and the ability to send Mac OS X files to the cloud. AutoFocus now can add context to every attack and make threat intelligence actionable across the organization.
  • Prevent Breaches With Secure User Credentials – By streamlining the user experience associated with two-factor authentication in GlobalProtect™ mobile security, organizations can neutralize stolen user credentials. Additionally, enhancements to WildFire and PAN-DB help prevent identity theft from happening in the first place by stopping known and unknown attacks and preventing phishing attempts.


  • PAN-OS and Panorama 7.1 are now available to Palo Alto Networks customers with a current support contract.
  • VM-series availability in Microsoft’s Azure cloud is expected in late April.
  • Mac OS X support in the WildFire cloud is available now for early access.

To learn more about the Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Security Platform, visit:


Find out more about the new features in PAN-OS 7.1:


About Palo Alto Networks
Palo Alto Networks is the next-generation security company, leading a new era in cybersecurity by safely enabling applications and preventing cyber breaches for tens of thousands of organizations worldwide.  Built with an innovative approach and highly differentiated cyberthreat prevention capabilities, our game-changing security platform delivers security far superior to legacy or point products, safely enables daily business operations, and protects an organization’s most valuable assets.  Find out more at


Alibaba Cloud Launches Global Start-up Program “Create@Alibaba Cloud”

Alibaba Cloud Launches Global Start-up Program “Create@Alibaba Cloud”

Singapore, April 11, 2016 - Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, announced today the launch of its 2016 global start-up program, “Create@Alibaba Cloud.”

This is Alibaba Cloud’s first global start-up program, aimed at championing start-ups and maximizing their potential through Alibaba’s comprehensive support network and innovative suite of cloud infrastructure services.


Mr. Sicheng Yu, Vice President of Alibaba Cloud, says: “Our focus has always been to empower our global customers with our cloud expertise to achieve greater global coverage and expansion into international markets. Through our program, we hope to make our sophisticated networking solutions and big-data intelligence also available to start-ups and small enterprises to accelerate their business growth. This is Alibaba Cloud’s first global start-up program, expanding from previous initiatives in China and Hong Kong, and we’re proud to launch it here in Singapore.”

Program Benefits
As part of the program, participants will receive funding for investments into IT infrastructure for the first year, technology training for professionals, tailor-made IT solutions designed by Alibaba Cloud’s architects and one-on-one post-sales support, to help the start-ups get their business up to speed and running smoothly.

In addition to offering cloud capabilities, Create@Alibaba Cloud also empowers start-ups with better access to overseas markets and potential connections, which is crucial for those looking to expand internationally. Program participants will receive support through Alibaba Cloud’s global start-up partners’ network for funding, working spaces, and incubation, as well as leverage Alibaba’s resources in China to manage challenges in entering the China market. Program partners currently include Silicon Valley Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs Inc (SVACE), Hanhai Investment Inc, Hong Kong Science Park. The participating start-ups will also be invited to join Alibaba Cloud’s marketing campaigns, both online and offline.

As part of the program, a series of competitions will be rolled out in key regions including ASEAN markets, Hong Kong, Korea, the Middle East and Europe, to honor start-ups that demonstrate good business potentials. Regional winners from the competitions will have the opportunity to pitch their business ideas and conduct live product demos at the annual Alibaba Computing Conference Hangzhou Summit in October 2016. During the program roll-out, cloud workshops, entrepreneurship talks and other activities will also be held in these key regions.

Expansion in ASEAN
Alibaba Cloud has chosen Singapore as the regional hub for the program for the country’s strong links and access to other ASEAN markets, including Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. With its close connectivity and reputation as Asia’s most entrepreneurial economy, start-ups in the program can easily build connections in Singapore and catapult into neighbouring markets.

Mr. Pang Heng Soon, General Manager of Infocomms Investments under the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) of Singapore, says: “We are constantly looking at ways to continue building a strong support ecosystem for start-ups in Singapore through initiatives such as the Create@Alibaba Cloud program. For start-ups to succeed they will need both technical know-how and market insights; 2 through the program, entrepreneurs will gain access to cloud capabilities, financial capital and insights on cross-border expansion to reach their full potential.”

About Alibaba Cloud
Established in September 2009, Alibaba Cloud (, Alibaba Group’s cloud computing arm, develops highly scalable platforms for cloud computing and data management. It provides a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services to support the participants of Alibaba Group’s online and mobile commerce ecosystem, including sellers, and other third-party customers and businesses. Alibaba Cloud is a business within Alibaba Group.

What Code should You Learn?

What Code should You Learn?

What Code Should You Learn? - Via Who Is Hosting This: The Blog


Learn the Language: <What Code Should You Learn?>

There are many languages to code in, so many, in fact, the beginner can easily be overwhelmed. Learn about the top choices so you can be successful and raise your earning potential.

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)

This is a server-side interpreted, non-compiled, scripting language. It can be written within HTML. Because the code is executed by the server, the result is displayed to the user as plain HTML.

  • PHP’s development started in 1994, created by Rasmus Lerdorf.
    • Code was released to the public in 1995
    • 2.0: 1996
    • 3.0: 1997/1998
    • 4.0: 1999/2000
    • 5.0: July 2004
  • PHP files end in the .php extension
  • PHP files can support:
    • Text
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • PHP code
  • PHP can:
    • Generate dynamic page content
    • Create, open, read, write, and close files on the server
    • Collect form data
    • Send and receive cookies
    • Add, delete, modify data in your database
    • Restrict users to access some pages on your website
    • Encrypt data
    • Output:
      • HTML
      • Images
      • PDF files
      • Flash movies
      • Any text, such as XHTML and XML
  • Why use PHP?
    • Runs on various platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.)
    • Compatible with almost all servers used today (Apache, IIS, etc.)
    • Supports a wide range of databases
    • Free, and open source so many hosting providers run it on their servers.
    • Easy to learn
    • Runs efficiently
  • PHP Jobs
    • Average Salary: $80,000
    • Job Count: 20,308
    • Top Cities:
      • New York
      • San Francisco
      • Chicago
    • Top Employers:
      • CyberCoders
      • IBM
      • Robert Half Technology
  • Tidbits of Wisdom
    • PHP is used on 65.45% of the top 1 million websites
      • The most popular content management system (CMS), WordPress uses PHP.
        • WordPress runs on 19% of websites on the Internet
      • PHP powers more than 20 million websites, including:
        • Facebook
        • Wikipedia


This is a client-side scripting language. It is the only language embedded in all web browsers.

  • Developed in 1995 by Netscape
  • Used in website:
    • Advertising
    • Analytics
    • Widgets
  • JQuery is the most detected JavaScript library in use on the web, used for 22.9% of the top million websites on the Internet.
    • It provides features and functions to make:
      • JavaScript browser agnostic
      • An easier development process
  • JavaScript Jobs
    • Average Salary: $88,000
    • Job Count: 43,189
    • Top Cities:
      • New York
      • San Francisco
      • Washington D.C.
    • Top Employers:
      • Amazon
      • Microsoft
      • IBM
  • Tidbits of Wisdom
    • You can use JavaScript to:
      • Check username availability as user enters it, preventing the need to reload the page
      • Build an autocomplete function on your website
      • Fix layout issues
      • Enhance HTML text boxes so users have a combination of presets and the ability to enter their own text.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

This is not a programming language or a markup language. It is the standard way to interact with databases, moving information in and out of them. MySQL is the most common way to interact with databases, and is a good start for a web developer.

  • SQL was first developed in 1979.
  • SQL files have a .sql extension.
  • SQL can:
    • Execute queries against a database
    • Retrieve data from a database
    • Insert records in a database
    • Update records in a database
    • Delete records from a database
    • Create new databases
    • Create new tables in a database
    • Create stored procedures in a database
    • Create views in a database
    • Set permissions on tables, procedures, and views
  • SQL Jobs
    • Average Salary: $90,000
    • Job Count: 98,454
    • Top Cities:
      • New York
      • Washington D.C.
      • San Francisco
    • Top Employers:
      • Microsoft
      • United Health Group
      • Amazon
  • Tidbits of Wisdom
    • There are different developers of SQL, such as:
      • Oracle
      • Sybase
      • Microsoft
    • Their SQL programs all fundamentally work the same way.
    • MySQL is an open source (free) version of SQL, and is popular with developers.

Objective C

Objective C is an object oriented programming language, based on C, used by Apple developers .

  • Objective C was first developed in the 1990s.
  • Objective C files have an .m extension.
  • Objective C can:
    • Develop mobile apps for iOS
    • Develop applications for OS X
  • Objective C Jobs
    • Average Salary: $70,000
    • Job Count: 18,849
    • Top Cities:
      • New York
      • San Francisco
      • Chicago
    • Top Employers:
      • Regis Corporation
      • SmartStyle
      • SmartCuts
  • Tidbits of Wisdom
    • Though considered the “correct” language for iOS development, it cannot be scaled for other platforms such as Android.


C++ is an object-oriented programming language used to develop software, video games, and more.

  • C++ was first developed in 1983, as an enhancement to the C programming language
  • C++ files have a .c++ extension
  • C++ can
    • Develop apps for Windows and Linux
    • Develop video games
    • Develop mobile apps
  • C++ Jobs
    • Average Salary: $90,000
    • Job Count: 31,893
    • Top Cities:
      • New York
      • Seattle
      • San Francisco
    • Top Employers:
      • Amazon
      • CyberCoders
      • Microsoft
  • Tidbits of Wisdom
    • C++ is highly portable across multiple devices.
    • C++ is supported by Apple, Android, Windows Phone, and Blackberry.


This is a server-side interpreted compiled language, using a virtual machine. It is not JavaScript, and is not related to it.

  • Java was developed in 1995, and is one of the oldest programming languages on the web.
  • Java lets you:
    • Play online games
    • Upload photos
    • Take virtual tours
    • Use interactive maps
  • Java Job Information
    • Average Salary: $95,000
    • Job Count: 66,485
    • Top Cities:
      • New York
      • Washington D.C.
      • San Jose
    • Top Employers:
      • Amazon
      • IBM
      • eBay
  • Tidbits of Wisdom
    • Users can disable Java on their machines
    • Java is the basis of Android
    • Slow to change, so it’s easier to keep up with


This is a server-side interpreted, open-source, non-compiled, scripting language. It can be used on its own, or as part of another framework, like django.

  • Python can:
    • Build websites
    • Provide database access
    • Build desktop graphic user interfaces (GUIs)
    • Build software and games
  • Python Job Information
    • Average Salary: $83,000
    • Job Count: 19,627
    • Top Cities:
      • Mountain View
      • San Francisco
      • New York
    • Top Employers:
      • Amazon
      • Intel®
      • Dell
  • Tidbits of Wisdom
    • NASA’s shuttle support contractor, United Space Alliance (USA) uses Python.
    • Learn to code faster compared to other languages like C++


This is a server-side interpreted, non-compiled, scripting language. It is Japanese in origin, with no set of specifications. It was released to the public in 1995.

  • It is gaining popularity because of its use with Rails: Ruby on Rails
    • Rails is a rapid development framework, like django or Python.
  • It is a blend of the following programming languages:
    • Perl
    • Smalltalk
    • Eiffel
    • Ada
    • Lisp
  • Ruby can:
    • Build web sites
    • Build simulations
    • Build web applications
  • Ruby Job Information
    • Average Salary: $90,000
    • Job Count: 13,805
    • Top Cities:
      • San Francisco
      • New York
      • Seattle
    • Top Employers:
      • CyberCoders
      • ERC
      • Amazon
  • Tidbits of Wisdom
    • Ruby is highly portable; it works on many types of UNIX, Mac OS X, Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, DOS, BeOS, OS/2, and more.
    • Ruby has multiple implementations, including:
      • JRuby: Ruby atop the JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
      • Rubinius: ‘Ruby written in Ruby’. Built on top of LLVM
      • MacRuby: Ruby that’s tightly integrated with Apple’s Cocoa libraries for Mac OS X

Active Server Pages (ASP) .Net

This is a server-side interpreted, non-compiled, scripting language. It is similar to PHP, but will only run on a Windows® server, because it is a Microsoft product, in the .net suite of programing languages.

  • ASP.Net can:
    • Build websites
    • Build web applications with a Model View Controller (MVC) design
    • Build web forms
  • ASP.Net Job Information
    • Average Salary: $90,000
    • Job Count: 16,710
    • Top Cities:
      • New York
      • Chicago
      • Atlanta
    • Top Employers:
      • Robert Half Technology
      • CyberCoders
      • Hendrickson International
  • Tidbits of Wisdom
    • You can mix and match programming languages within ASP.NET, as long as each page only contains one language.

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax)

This is not a programming language, but rather a way to use multiple programming languages together.

  • It works by using JavaScript in the background to communicate with the server, to allow the page to change (send and receive information) without requiring the user to refresh.
  • It is used extensively today.
    • All browser based chat systems, such as Google Talk, use Ajax.
    • Gmail’s entire interface is Ajax based.
    • Facebook uses it for photos and chat.
  • You won’t be able to use this effectively until you’ve mastered JavaScript, CSS, and XML.
  • Ajax Jobs
    • Average Salary: $90,000
    • Job Count: 16,649
    • Top Cities:
      • New York
      • San Francisco
      • Seattle
    • Top Employers:
      • Smith & Keller
      • CyberCoders
      • Science System and Applications
  • Tidbits of Wisdom
    • Ajax combines:
      • Standards-based presentation – XHTML, CSS
      • Dynamic display and interaction – Document Object Model
      • Data interchange and manipulation – XML, XSLT
      • Asynchronous data retrieval – XMLHttpRequest
      • Functionality – JavaScript

Learning to Code for the First Time

  • Easiest to Learn: Python
  • Most Powerful: C++
  • Most Likely to Be Useful in 10 Years: Java
  • What do you want to do? Your end goal determines what language(s) you need to learn.
    • To create and edit static web pages:
      • HTML
      • CSS
    • To make web pages interactive:
      • JavaScript: adds drag and drop functionality
    • To store user information:
      • Server-side languages such as:
        • PHP
        • Python
        • Ruby
    • To build mobile apps:
      • Objective-C: iPhone apps
      • Java, C++: Android apps
  • PHP and SQL are easy to learn, even for beginners.
    • You can use PHP with mySQL to learn without investing in software.
  • Since they run the most popular content management system, they are a good place to start.
  • No matter which language you choose, these programming skills are in demand from top companies, with a hefty salary attached.
  • These online resources can help you learn to code:
    • Codecademy: Considered by many as the most renowned source on the web, you can learn many languages with easy, interactive tutorials.
    • Coursera: Get access to full college courses, even beyond programming, for free, though additional fees may sometimes apply.
    • OpenCourseWare Consortium: Get access to full college courses from a number of partners, for free. You’ll be on your own navigating the material, but it can be a great help.
    • Get free tutorials for a number of languages to teach yourself hwo to code.


Google just released powerful new Artificial Intelligence Software – and it’s Open Source!

Google just released powerful new Artificial Intelligence Software – and it’s Open Source!

Date: 9 November 2015

Google just released a new AI system, TensorFlow, which can be used in everything from speech recognition in the Google app to Smart Reply in Inbox.

Thanks to machine learning, TensorFlow is a highly scalable machine learning system – it can run on a single smartphone or across thousands of computers in datacenters.

Most importantly, Google is open-sourcing TensorFlow to let the machine learning community to exchange ideas.

“There should really be 1 Set of tools that researchers can use to try out their crazy ideas and if those ideas work, they can move them directly to products without having to rewrite code… send code to others located in the other parts of the world.

– Greg Corrado, Google Senior Research Scientist


Original Source:  Google’s Official Blog

He Lined Up Every iPhone Created and Conducted Tests Comparisons!

He Lined Up Every iPhone Created and Conducted Tests Comparisons!

YouTube Channel EverythingApplePro tested all the iPhones ever created – from iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, to iPhone 6S Plus!

Before conducting a variety of interesting tests on them, EverythingApplePro lined them all up, connected them to the same power bank, turned them all on at a synchronous fashion, with each device initialized by being updated and restored to the latest firmwares.

The following tests were carried out:

  • Speed Test
  • Wi-Fi Speed Test
  • Browser Compatibility Test
  • Speakers Test
  • Camera Comparison Test

WATCH NOW: All the Test Results:

[graphiq id=”6AJZzMY3I6p” title=”Apple Inc. (AAPL) Stock Price” width=”600″ height=”615″ url=”” link=”” link_text=”Apple Inc. (AAPL) Stock Price | FindTheBest”]

[graphiq id=”9l4Mh2BzZNr” title=”Apple iPhone RAM Over Time” width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”” link=”” link_text=”Apple iPhone RAM Over Time | SpecOut”]

[graphiq id=”ePKlFxSCzbv” title=”Apple iPhone Rear Camera MP Over Time” width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”” link=”” link_text=”Apple iPhone Rear Camera MP Over Time | SpecOut”]

[graphiq id=”6W25FcaKuOx” title=”Apple iPhone Series Over Time” width=”600″ height=”400″ url=”” link=”” link_text=”Apple iPhone Series Over Time | SpecOut”]

[graphiq id=”1rmwgGTHVqt” title=”Apple iPhone Battery” width=”500″ height=”400″ url=”” link=”” link_text=”Apple iPhone Battery | SpecOut”]

[graphiq id=”9GmSmrOgMvz” title=”Apple iPhone Display” width=”500″ height=”400″ url=”” link=”” link_text=”Apple iPhone Display | SpecOut”]

[graphiq id=”c5pyYif6hut” title=”Apple iPhone CPU & RAM” width=”600″ height=”450″ url=”” link=”” link_text=”Apple iPhone CPU & RAM | SpecOut”]

iPhone Test 2


Original Source:  EverythingApplePro Youtube Channel

Big Data – Threat Intelligence

Big Data – Threat Intelligence

Global Spend on Financial Market Data / Analysis:

Please Click on the Images to see their Enlarged versions:
Original Source:  Burton Taylor 

Original Source:  Burton Taylor 







Original Source: Global Market Data/Analysis Spend Infographics from Burton TaylorMekko Graphics IDC 2015 Marketing Technology Map from Forbes  / Global Text Analytics Market from Allied Market Research / Information Week

What is a Zettabyte?

What is a Zettabyte?

What is a Zettabyte?

Well, if your kid ask you “What is a Zettabyte?”, you better have an answer.  And if you find yourself still using the word “mega” as an adverb/adjective, for example, “I am mega happy today!“, then you better start upgrading your vocabulary now.

With the rapid growth of global data, and data production growing at an exponential rate, here are some interesting facts to note:


Please Click on the Images to see the Enlarged versions:







Original Source: davefeinleib @ Forbes / Slideshare / Cisco

“Data is the New Currency, Everyone will be a Developer”

“Data is the New Currency, Everyone will be a Developer”

VisionMobile published a 76-page Report on IoT MegaTrends 2015, Mobile MegaTrends 2014 with some good insights.

Breaking free of Internet and Things
Data is the new currency
Consumers outweigh the CIO
Everyone will be a developer

Please Click on the Images to see their Enlarged Versions:

2 Apple GDP

3 Android GDP

4 Apple Google

5 WeChat

For full reports, download here:

6 IoT Megatrends 2015


Original Source: VisionMobile

Magic Quadrant

Magic Quadrant

Magic Quadrant!

You will find the Gartner Magic Quadrants very useful in comparing the major players in the Technology space. If you are not familiar with the Magic Quadrant methodology, here is a brief summary:

Market players are Evaluated by 2 Major Criteria:
(1) Completeness of Vision, and
(2) The Ability to Execute

The Higher – the Better

Quadrant is a 2×2 matrix, thus there are 4 classes:
(1) Niche Players – Lower on both Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute
(2) Challengers    – Higher Ability to Execute, Lower Completeness of Vision
(3) Visionaries     – Lower Ability to Execute, Higher Completeness of Vision
(4) Leaders             – Higher on both Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute

Thus, the Magic Quadrant is an X-Y graph where various IT vendors in a market are plotted relative to one another. Investors use this tool to determine what kind of technologies to invest in, or which companies to partner with for possible ventures.   Business development uses this information to identify corporate prospects, etc, and of course you may use this information to target which company to work for.

Examples of this Useful Tool:

Magic Quadrant 2


Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service:

Magic Quadrant 5 - Cloud Infrastructure as a Service


Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platform:

Magic Quadrant 4 - Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms


Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Backup Software and Integrated Appliances:Magic Quadrant 6 - Enterprise Backup Software and Integrated Appliances


Original Source: Gartner is a leading research company that publishes the Gartner Magic Quadrants.

How does Connected Car Fit into Your Life?

How does Connected Car Fit into Your Life?

Please Click on the Images to see the Enlarged versions:



Original Source: Venture Scanner.  Venture Scanner enables corporations to research, identify, and connect with the most innovative technologies and companies – through their unique combination of data, technology and expert analysts.  For detailed information on the above, please go to Venture Scanner’s website to learn more.  If you have any questions, please email Venture Scanner directly at

Future of TV at a Glance

Future of TV at a Glance

Please Click on the Images to see the Enlarged versions:



Original Source: Venture Scanner. Venture Scanner enables corporations to research, identify, and connect with the most innovative technologies and companies – through their unique combination of data, technology and expert analysts. For detailed information on the above, please go to Venture Scanner’s website to learn more. If you have any questions, please email Venture Scanner directly at

Internet of Things (IoT) Market Overview

Internet of Things (IoT) Market Overview

Please Click on the Image to see the Enlarged version:

internet of things


Original Source: Venture Scanner. Venture Scanner enables corporations to research, identify, and connect with the most innovative technologies and companies – through their unique combination of data, technology and expert analysts. For detailed information on the above, please go to Venture Scanner’s website to learn more. If you have any questions, please email Venture Scanner directly at

Retail Technology Market Overview

Retail Technology Market Overview

Please Click on the Image to see the Enlarged version:



Original Source: Venture Scanner. Venture Scanner enables corporations to research, identify, and connect with the most innovative technologies and companies – through their unique combination of data, technology and expert analysts. For detailed information on the above, please go to Venture Scanner’s website to learn more. If you have any questions, please email Venture Scanner directly at

Market Technology Market Overview

Market Technology Market Overview

Please Click on the Image to see the Enlarged version:



Original Source: Venture Scanner. Venture Scanner enables corporations to research, identify, and connect with the most innovative technologies and companies – through their unique combination of data, technology and expert analysts. For detailed information on the above, please go to Venture Scanner’s website to learn more. If you have any questions, please email Venture Scanner directly at

Apple’s Acquisition

Apple’s Acquisition

Date:  26 September 2015

Please Click on the Image to see the Enlarged version:

Apple's Acquisition


Original Source: Venture Scanner. Venture Scanner enables corporations to research, identify, and connect with the most innovative technologies and companies – through their unique combination of data, technology and expert analysts. For detailed information on the above, please go to Venture Scanner’s website to learn more. If you have any questions, please email Venture Scanner directly at

Amazon’s Acquisitions

Amazon’s Acquisitions

Date: 26 Sept 2015

Please Click on the Image to see the Enlarged version:

Amazon's Acquisitions


Original Source: Venture Scanner. Venture Scanner enables corporations to research, identify, and connect with the most innovative technologies and companies – through their unique combination of data, technology and expert analysts. For detailed information on the above, please go to Venture Scanner’s website to learn more. If you have any questions, please email Venture Scanner directly at

Health Technology Sector Map

Health Technology Sector Map

Please Click on the Image to see the Enlarged version:



Original Source: Venture Scanner. Venture Scanner enables corporations to research, identify, and connect with the most innovative technologies and companies – through their unique combination of data, technology and expert analysts. For detailed information on the above, please go to Venture Scanner’s website to learn more. If you have any questions, please email Venture Scanner directly at

Bitcoin Market Overview

Bitcoin Market Overview

Please Click on the Image to see the Enlarged version:



Original Source: Venture Scanner. Venture Scanner enables corporations to research, identify, and connect with the most innovative technologies and companies – through their unique combination of data, technology and expert analysts. For detailed information on the above, please go to Venture Scanner’s website to learn more. If you have any questions, please email Venture Scanner directly at

3D Printing Sector Map

3D Printing Sector Map

Please Click on the Image to see the Enlarged version:




Original Source: Venture Scanner. Venture Scanner enables corporations to research, identify, and connect with the most innovative technologies and companies – through their unique combination of data, technology and expert analysts. For detailed information on the above, please go to Venture Scanner’s website to learn more. If you have any questions, please email Venture Scanner directly at

The Payment Process Ecosystem

The Payment Process Ecosystem

Date:  15 September 2015

Please Click on the Images to see their Enlarged versions:

The Payment Process Ecosystem

Payment Securities Report


Original Source:  To read more about the Ecosystem, please subscribe to Business Insider Intelligence and read “The Payment Securities Report”.  To access the full report from BI Intelligence, sign up for a full-access 14-day trial here. Full-access members also gain access to new in-depth reports, hundreds of charts, as well as daily newsletters on the digital industry.  Follow Business Insider on Twitter.


10 Things You Need To Know About Google’s New CEO, Sundar Pichai

10 Things You Need To Know About Google’s New CEO, Sundar Pichai

Sundar Pichai became the new CEO of Google on 10 August 2015.  Larry Page, who stepped down as CEO of Google, will head Alphabet.
‬  The company has restructured and everything will now report up to “Alphabet Inc.” a new corporate name.  Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, will serve as Alphabet’s president, and Eric Schmidt will be Executive Chairman.

1.  Though popularly known as Sundar Pichai, his real name is Pichai Sundararajan.

2.  He was born in Chennai, India, on July 12, 1972.


3. He attained a Bachelor’s of Technology degree in technology from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, followed by a Master’s degree from Stanford University and and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

4.  His wife is Anjali Pichai, and he has 2 kids – a son and a daughter.


5.  Before joining Google In 2004, he was working with McKinsey & Company in management consulting

6.  At Google, he worked on products like Toolbar, Google Gears and Google Pack, and eventually Google Chrome, for almost a decade.


7.  Chrome’s rise and Pichai’s steadfast career graph go hand-in-hand. Having led product management and innovation of Google’s client software products such as Google Chrome and Chrome OS, he was appointed the VP of product development and introduced the Chrome browser and OS in 2009. He became the senior VP of Chrome and Apps in 2012.

8.  He replaced Andy Rubin as the Android Chief in the year 2013 to become a well-known Google face.


9.  A diplomat by nature, Pichai is well-known for maintaining smooth ties with partners like Samsung and local brands like Micromax, Spice and Karbonn.

10.  Google’s announcement of launching Alphabet Inc as its parent company paved the way for Pichai to fill in for Larry Page as CEO.  Page is said to become Alphabet Inc’s CEO and Sergey Brin its president.

His recent activities on Twitter: Pichai, who currently has 164K followers, tweeted the following:    

Original Source: Business InsiderLet’s InternCNN MoneyScoopwhoopVoxTelegraph

LG invented a bendable TV that sticks to your wall via magnets

LG invented a bendable TV that sticks to your wall via magnets

At less than 1 mm thick, the display hangs on the wall via magnets.

LG Display showcased one of the most impressive applications of OLED technology: a 55-inch, 0.097 mm-thick TV panel that can mount magnetically on a wall — and peel right off again, just like wallpaper.

The paper-thin prototype is the perfect encapsulation of what makes OLED (organic light-emitting diode) such an exciting technology.  Since each pixel produces its own light, OLED TVs can function without the bulky backlight elements that traditional LCD and LED TVs require to produce a picture.

It’s just a concept, though — there’s no indication when or if a product like this will actually come to market. The purpose of the announcement was really to announce LG’s plans to focus on making OLED screens for products moving forward.

The TV screen itself is less than a millimeter thick, according to CNET.  For context, that’s about the same thickness as a paper clip.

The TV itself almost looks like paper.


This article originally appeared in: Business Insider and


Apple Watch Bands Now Available in select Apple Stores

Apple Watch Bands Now Available in select Apple Stores

Apple Stores in the United States, United Kingdom and possibly other launch countries began selling Apple Watch bands as cited by MacRumors.  The photo below shared by Twitter user Apple Radar shows an Apple Store in Miami selling the Sport Band in multiple colors.



Apple is selling individual Sport Bands for USD$49, while the Classic Buckle, Milanese Loop and Leather Loop retail for USD$149 each. The Modern Buckle is more expensive at USD$249 and the Link Bracelet is the most expensive Apple Watch strap available at USD$449. Apple Watch bands can also be ordered online through the Apple Online Store.

This article originally appeared in MacRumors and Cult of Mac.


The Romantic Apple Watch

The Romantic Apple Watch

Almost every girl loves the Romantic Coral Pink colour, this zeal has never really waned as could be seen in Google Trends:

Google Trends on Coral Pink:

Google Trend - Coral Pink

I am not really sure why the interests for the Coral Pink colour peaked drastically at 2007 but it is certainly still on the uptrend.

Coral Pink - Google Images
Watch this Video – Apple Watch Hands-On Demo:

Which colour do you think is most fashionable?

Apple Watch - Girl

Come on!  The Coral Pink colour rules!

Google Translate App now supports Instant Voice and Visual Translations!

Google Translate App now supports Instant Voice and Visual Translations!

Your smartphone can now be your private Interpreter, thanks to Google Translate App.

Voice Translator
Google officially announced on Wednesday its updated App, which allows both iOS and Android users to carry on a conversation in two different languages.

The company said the update took people “one step closer to turning [their smartphones] into a universal translator and to a world where language is no longer a barrier”.

The only limitation is that the app can currently only handle translations from English to and from French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

Google said it is working to expand to more languages.

Users of the new app simply talk to the built-in Microphone of their phones and get a written translation, in real-time on their screens.


Visual Translator
The Visual Translator is just as commendable, it allows users to instantly translate phrases, into 36 languages, using their phone’s Camera, similar to the way they take a picture.

This works without a Wi-Fi or a data connection.

Life will be alot easier when navigating street signs and deciding what food to order in foreign countries.

Google Word Lens Android GIF

The update will begin rolling out to both iOS and Android users from today.